
double post

Clara episodes aren't spectacular, but many are quite solid. I was feeling pretty meh about the show after the first half too (I liked Angels ep and Power of 3 for emotional resonance, and the western one for Ben Browder, but really didn't like any of the episodes as much as earlier ones). A friend of mine thought

I was initially outraged at the 'joke'. Then I thought about it some more and was like "Uhhhh....Huh?". I think the people excusing her probably fell down the same rabbit hole and decided to give her the benefit of the doubt in a major way. I just decided that even in the highly unlikely scenario that the joke was

Oh wow, that's really gorgeous!

Try wiki-ing, it'll tell you that promise ring can also be another word for purity ring. The article used the term correctly.

Replying to myself since, for some reason, it won't let me edit my post.

Have to say, never felt as alienated from Jezebel community as this. There's a lot of assumptions going here that in many cases does feel kind of unintentionally prejudiced.

Also FWIW, it isn't so much that the "heavy-handed treatment" is condoned so much that it doesn't come to light. This is India's version of cute blonde white middle class girl goes missing and there's a national uproar while no one hears about all the missing minority kids. It's not intentional prejudice, it's

I feel old.

Especially funny given their sea kittens campaign from a few years back.

For a skirt or a dress, maybe. Or a nice pair of pants that I plan to hang onto forever. But not for a T-shirt.

Oh man, it's so shitty! But I'm addicted anyway. I like the mother, Catherine de' Medici. Also Francis and the kitchen boy are pleasant to look at.

To me, damp is cold, moist is warm.

Can't get enough of Royals. All versions.

Great point! The movie had a lot of references to its surprising efficacy as a weapon and also by the end of the movie, it'd been adopted as the official weapon of the palace guards.

Now playing

Pleasantly surprised. Those are quite pretty. I came here expecting it to be this creepy ass thing:

Mostly got bored stiff by that episode. But two bright spots were the kitties and Lenora Crichlow (Annie from Being Human).

Oh man, that's an awesome gif! What's it from?

I just rewatched the Justified episode with the guy that collects and burns Hitler paintings a few days ago. That was hilarious!