
Chlamydia is such a great word!

The only part they separated us for at our school was when they showed us girls videos on giving yourself breast self exams. Don't remember what the boys did anymore.

Added to list, right after rewatch of Damn Yankees.

Wow, that's such a non sequitur it has me looking for a typo. Can't find a variation that makes sense though. Weird badly communicated saying of some sort? Full hearts or something? IDK. Super weird.

Much love to KB, but I still think sloths look creepy as hell.

Ha! Polar opposite, myself. But upvoted for awesomeness.

I think it still wouldn't count. But I'm not sure.

To be fair, Pacific Rim had like 10 speaking roles total.

Ha! Wise choice.

Go over to the link to the original video and you'll find them in droves, including the obligatory calling the model fat posts.

Some of this I can forgive as trying to recreate on camera what would be more apparent in real life. But the leg lengthening and the weird no-fold neck are just bizzare.

Also, it's Neptune.

"Nice" ain't got nothing to do with it. I prefer a guy with a modicum of personality to a walking cardboard cutout. Till I read this article, I'd forgotten that Piz was not his first name. That's how little of an impression he made. But no, gotta be the bad boy thing. That's why despite what the video says, Dick

Here's the study I'd heard about before:

Oh, right after I made that last post, I found this:

Might be worth telling your niece about stereotype threat, where just reminding someone that they're stereotyped a certain way (bad at math) caused them to do worse. There was a study (or more likely several, but I just heard about the one) that tested scores on standardized testing after girls had been told nothing,

Watch the clip. She makes a joke.

Crap, I just burst out laughing while I was at work. Thanks for nothing!

Like the author, I left the film feeling pretty meh. (For context, I fell asleep during Cast Away.) But this was something I noticed and appreciated about it. Everything, including the back story and the hallucinated inspiration would have been just as acceptable with a male character instead of a female one. Her

There is no bunny. The bunny is a metaphor.