
Hahaha. How does this not have all the upvotes?

Yet another instance where I click a link off-site, read the comments and come running back to Jezebel. Thank you for such a reasonable and interesting community and a comments section that I actually look forward to reading.


I feel like being allowed to do something is a slippery slope to being required to. Competition brings out the most self-destructive in people. And I think (though I may be making this up) that there are limitations on risks police officers and firefighters can take as well that have more to do with their own long

That got the ball rolling, yeah. And then there were the Buddhist demons inhaled through yoga.

Damn! I don't think this wikipedia gender bias thing really sank in for me until I looked up the Male Privilage article you mentioned and the corresponding talk page. I mean, any time you have that big of a skew in terms of people involved, you're going to end up with some subconcious pervasive biases and even more

As a regular Burn Notice viewer, I wonder this too. Yogurt = spy food. Don't tell me you can't sell that to guys.

This was awful enough when it was just comments sections and the like. Now it's actual publications (albiet shitty conservative ones) that are picking up this bullshit commentary.

This falls flat with me.

You mean the sexy friend of the perfect guy from white collar? B/c perfect guy is clearly Peter Burke. ;-)

I'm thinking the word bloated was used to subliminally suggest excessive boozing and/or drugs were involved.

Aaaah. Conundrum. Awesome post, spot on quote, HORRIBLE scene. To recommend or not to recommend.

Bullshit semantics war is bullshit.

Wait, book or movie? B/c in the book the marriage consummation scene plays out quite differently. But then again, in the book she's like 13. So, we're back to rape again.

I'm not sure how you ended up there b/c that's not at all the point I was making. I'm going to guess you misinterpreted and extrapolated from the owing money to people who owe you money part, where I wasn't talking about taxes.

No, it makes it a situation where you're borrowing money from people who in turn owe you money to give to other people who will hopefully in the future owe you money, all of which leads to a system that is far too complex to be boiled down to your original infantile analogy of a single entity borrowing from a shadowy

"Fully two-thirds of the national debt is owed to the U.S. government, American investors and future retirees, through the Social Security Trust Fund and pension plans for civil service workers and military personnel. China, it turns out, holds less than 8 percent of the money our government has borrowed over the

You say deal, I say stop-gap non-action. There was no grand bargain. (Thank you, Eric Cantor.) A deal is not where I give you a dollar and demand a fifty b/c I already payed my share earlier.

"Is it that the cuts are being enacted selectively in a way that is biased against programs that are of greater benefit to women? "