I mean yeah, the Miami team’s stadium was always going to be in Florida.
^this. I’m past child-bearing age, but the hell if I’m going to step foot in a state that says I don’t have the same rights of ownership over my body as a man. You are asking women to work in a place where we are legally unequal in human rights. Sorry Stacey, I love ya but my body and my basic humanity come first.
You’d still be in the position of asking any female employees who are coming from outside the state to risk a lot by working in your production.
The irony is that Markakis thought owning all those guns would make him a safe cracker.
Thanks for yelling in all uppercase on the interwebs old man.
“You made these? You’re the oldest-looking Make A Wish kid I’ve ever seen.”
this is amazing. It’s amazing.
he was being metaphorical, asshole
These goalposts were here when I found them, officer.
Even before the Turner acquisition, BR was super great at SEO and the content-by-unpaid-writers game.
Ok this is a good one. The resemblance is definitely awkward in this context.
“and ordered Mr. Rooney held until sober”
When Joe Smith’s secret new contract finally kicks in that’ll fix all of this
I feel like it’s being lost in the media that Kavanaugh, in his opening statement, picked apart Ford’s testimony as if it was his job to do so AND that he said this was “revenge for the Clintons.” That should immediately disqualify him as he can’t be impartial. It also confirms that one dude’s story about Kav being…
Padding his Supreme Court resume
Yeah somebody on Twitter pointed out that Glover’s actually doing what Kanye thinks he’s doing. Pretty much sums it up right there.
Ural the worst