
This was a single-market ad buy, right?

Off the top of my head, I’ll give you #10 behind (in no particular order):

I agree.

I’m pretty sure that Soccer United Marketing (a major player in the marketing and broadcast rights game in North America) is where the profits come in. The league and most team investor-operators (their terminology for “owners” in their single-entity world) have a stake in SUM, which also brokers U.S. National Team

The only two surprising things about this are:

I worked a summer in the circulation services department of a major newspaper. I doubt that role exists any more as it’s definitely been automated/replaced by online services (but maybe not - some olds really love their paper papers and hate modernity). Anyhow, many of the staff in the department were black, but

In a safe? I’m sure keeping a large sum of cash in a safe in your home is not super rare among people with career earnings over $100m.

I suspect the reason this is so serious as to be considered “conduct detrimental” is that having a coaching staff member cover a player’s expense would likely be a technical violation of the Salary Cap. A similar scenario came up in the NFL several years back when a coach (Dick Vermeil, I think) gave a player a bottle

But he was about the seventh best player on the Fab Five Michigan team!

This is like talking to someone about your kids or your fantasy sports team when that other person didn’t ask and doesn’t care about kids or fantasy sports.

I tend to say that I embrace many Christian values, but I reject its institutions. The teachings of Christ have lots of merit, even if you don’t believe he is “son of God” or other elements of Christian and Biblical mythology.

Oh, I would never create the system we currently have with respect to insurance companies and their central role in the delivery of healthcare, however working from the current landscape as “point a”, what blunt objects are available that could be used to transfer some of the liability and responsibility to the people

I’m with you on this. Just because a cult has a higher membership than most and a more formalized institutional infrastructure, therefore greater wealth, real estate holdings, and influence (i.e. the Catholic Church) does not mean at it’s core it is not a cult. You don’t graduate from being a cult because you’re a

I once nearly bled to death (as a second-grader) because I got an open head wound playing baseball (hit in the face with a line drive while wearing glasses, opening a nice gash on my temple) and my parents weren’t around to provide consent to give me stitches.

Let’s not kill children because their parents are stupid.

I wonder if there’s a market-based solution for this - like insurers not accepting liability for medical costs that arise from not having vaccines. If that $800k bill hit the family directly, instead of going through insurers, they may change their stupidity-based objection real quick.

aka, keeping expenses low.

“I’ll 100% bet you” = “If I’m willing to put my balls on the table over this point and you’re keeping your balls in your pants, then I am more certain and therefore right.”

Could you make one of those shirts for me too?

What is your standard for “more successful”?
(genuine question, not trolling)