
It's a shitty thing to say publicly - outside the locker room, you take the high road and accept responsibility. Inside the locker room, you coach and sometimes that means constructive criticism.

I dunno. I agree that the second-guessing is at amazing volume and some of that is driven by the voices coming from the booth, which makes them a bit irresponsible, but that doesn't mean it wasn't still a highly suspect call. And going against conventional wisdom is sometimes the right thing to do. You can throw

Thanks for the kind words. Always feels good to hear someone say "you know what you're talking about" (especially out-of-the-blue on something I wrote months ago). And part of why I make more sense than them is because I'm not injecting my own agenda into things. Guys like Twellman and Lalas, Wynalda and such - the

Tom Brady buys chocolate bars as a late-night 7-Eleven indulgence.

Media rights fees for game broadcasts (that main catalyst in rising player contracts) are not really the same thing as players talking to reporters. You can call them both "the media" but one is driving revenues in a major way and the other might move the needle just a little. The only reason to imply any

Why shouldn't I trust this Andy Serkis character any less than any other?

For some reason, I kinda got the impression of Depp that he's not the type to be embracing modern technology and gadgets all that much. It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't have a cell phone and hasn't even texted, much less sexted.

My understanding is that there are A LOT of women who prefer them over "insertables". Partly because you can only have an insertable in place so many hours a day before elevated risk of some adverse effects.

Just like how there was talk of privatizing the TSA or FEMA... The private sector may be able to "innovate" better than government agencies in some cases, but in these cases, all they do is squeeze profit out of a venture via cutting corners and a race to the bottom. There are some functions where competency and

Yeah, that's not exactly my recollection. I think most religions were founded as a means to create a mass of conformists indoctrinated not to challenge the authority of a ruling class. Or to otherwise stigmatize others who are unlike them. I might be wrong on that...

Damn it - you beat me to it. Posted a comment that now looks derivative of yours.

Anyone want to look up Bill Jack's address and subscribe him to some male-on-male adult publications?

I hope the suit gets dismissed and a fine levied for wasting the court's time with this nonsense. Forcing a small business to defend their right to distance themselves from offensive custom messaging on their baked goods should be protected in the same way that you can't force a kosher bakery to sell you rugelach

I'm just surprised that a presumably intelligent adult - Senior - needed to do that much research to discover that GOP are a bunch of hypocrits. These are government staffers, whose salaries and benefits are paid by the American taxpayers, am I right? That's the exact kind of extravagance they would cry over if it

You didn't put their face down there! They do that at their own risk. Hazards of being shady.

next: transvaginal ultrasounds for all female visitors to CCA facilities.

but she was a visitor - not an inmate!

Hopefully a judgement in the amount of "enough to make running a privatized prison business no longer a profitable venture".

Wasn't there some argument that even if they don't win with Kobe, he still has such a loyal following locally that it's better for them to pay through the nose to have him as their "star attraction" based on how that translates to attendance and local tv revenues?

I actually thought it was pretty good, though they could've chopped a couple characters (his sister and oldest son). Too big a cast.