
Last week while dropping off a package at the local UPS station (not a euphemism), a red bearded guy said he'd make sure my shipment went out that night, even though I had missed the cut-off by a good 20 minutes or so... his justification: "Us gingerbeards have to stick together, man." Clearly a nod of respect at my

Is he left-handed? Because he threw that like a right-handed person trying to throw lefty.

I read The Stand by Stephen King at a relatively young age in my tween or early teen years. As such, it took me a while to understand what what meant by "phlegm" and "chaos" (which I thought was pronounced "chows").

Nic Cage will play this guy in the made-for-TV movie.

Is the woman on the right wearing leather?

Looks like someone's taking over the beat that Deadspin had held onto the last few years...

The way Reinsdorf and Krause took credit for the Bulls titles and positioned it as "the franchise (management)" has as much to do with the championships as the players did has never sat right with me. It always had some racial overtones, a bit of a plantation mentality. Phil Jackson played the role of the hippie

Wait, Canadians get hangovers?

For the 2016 Olympics, I was hoping Chicago would lose a close one. It was embarrassing when they got eliminated like they were a joke of a candidate.

UEFA is trying this model for Euro 2020. They're going to use about a dozen venues across Europe. Not sure whether I like the concept or not. It'll be "local" for a lot more fans (though there may be "host countries" that do not qualify), but could be difficult for those fans who want to go to several games at

Before he was a household name (in international soccer circles, at least), I wrote on a web site that Brasil defeated the U.S. on a late goal by Ronald Inho... the person on the other end of the line had told me "Not Ronaldo - Ronaldinho! Ronald-i-n-h-o."

The official dessert or sweet snack of former boxing champion Manny Packy Oww.

I came here for fart jokes and making crass humor over the death of two individuals, not for a critique of media coverage. Good day to you. ISAIDGOODDAY!!!

Are you his father?

But seriously, Milwaukee and Sacramento?!? If we're talking how to potentially get an eventual inheritance of one of those markets' NBA franchises... For those two, I wouldn't f—- the owner's daughter with your d—-.

no, isn't it spelled "I-M-P-R-E-G-N-A-T-E" ?

Funny, but horrifying...

or as my mother ordered from the midget dwarf Peter Dinklage impersonator man of short stature at her local Subway: a "flat-ZILLA!"

Nice to see that Leitch still visits the old haunt from time to time.