That's slightly better than the script lettering from hip bone to hip bone: "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate" ("Abandon all hope, ye who enter here")
That's slightly better than the script lettering from hip bone to hip bone: "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate" ("Abandon all hope, ye who enter here")
When I beat on, I rarely think about Gatsby.
I'm not a parent and do not intend to become one, but I think I'd stick with the "don't work for a judgmental asshole" advice rather than rooting against Team Inked.
No you don't want that jacket, Drew. If you've ever driven by Carol's Pub, you would know it's an absolute shithole. I had to go in there once because an acquaintance of my spouse died and he was known to frequent that bar so their mutual acquaintances thought it would be a nice gesture to let the staff know so they…
When I was underage, I used to buy Zimas and convinced myself that I liked them. #ohtobeyoungandstupidagain
Facebook prompts you to wish "happy birthday" to your acquaintances. I imagine that if you use it frequently, it prompts you more often and/or more prominently. You can also "subscribe" to get some notifications like that via e-mail (and maybe even text).
Not All Ice Cream.
In other words, stray bullets occasionally kill people other than their intended targets, but, hey, that's life in 'MERICA.
This is consistent with my experience. I love the company/organization and most of the people inside and outside that I interact with, and feel I'm contributing meaningful results, but no matter how hard I've tried to adjust sleep patterns, eating schedules, etc. I struggle to get going early in the morning (and the…
Asking for a friend who was intrigued by this idea. Please add newsletter subscription to the following:
"Congress shall make no law ..."
I don't know you or your niece, so please don't take this suggestion the wrong way - it's not an accusation, just a topic for discussion. Is it possible she specifically wanted to go to school in "the South" because she wanted to be exposed to a different racial dynamic than where she grew up? Perhaps she wanted to…
Those four "other perks", collectively, could be interpreted as a lack of interest in actually working full-time. They all involve less work than a candidate not seeking those accommodations/assurances - it's similar to cautioning candidates in other fields from asking about too many days off and holidays, etc. as it…
"Freedom of speech is freedom of speech" - doesn't that mean that if you disseminate racist communications, I can point out that you did something that, it seems, is pretty racist?
Thad Lewis? Who the hell drafts quarterbacks from duke!?
I suspect that was an example of how wikipedia sometimes contains inaccuracies or pranks.
That's not even his best nickname!
I really enjoyed Hoop Dreams. When it first came out, I was still in high school and the only place I could find it running was at a nearby campus, basically a screening for the film students. #primitiveinternetdays
Perfect only if you hate freedom!