Or her homegirl Jenna could have whipped up something custom made...
Because nowadays, if a guy tells a female at the office he likes the dress she's wearing, he gets a trip to HR.
Or Elliot...
It's easy to let stuff like this poison us... I'm glad these ladies were not hurt but this wasn't the first time someone has been murdered for turning down sex, we're just more aware.
Thank you! I'll take that off of my Netflix que.
Worthy is very tactical about publicity... this won't be an Angela Corey circus... I wonder if CNN will appoint Mark O'Mara to cover the case after he got it so wrong about the Jordan Davis case.... Folks ripped him on Twitter from his gut to his neck.
A movie theater... and I still haven't seen the end of the "Thomas Crown Affair"...
She is really taking this Olivia Pope thing to the extreme - she gave birth two weeks ago??? She's been tweeting up a storm. Oooh but that baby is gonna be gorgeous with two fine ass parents. Too bad we won't catch a glimpse until she's eighteen...
Fitz's leg... Jake's bare chest...
Kym Worthy is no joke she has a high conviction rate and is very thorough and he will still have to deal a jury....
There's not much to report... It's a good thing they switched judges to reduce the chance of appeal if he's convicted. Plus there this bizarre case this month involving a Judge who sent a Facebook friend request—which was rebuffed—to a litigant in a divorce she was presiding over... she has since been removed from…
Thank you!!! I was like WTF... eeny meeny miny mo is racist???? If someone "sincerely" believed that he may have said the N word I have no problems with them doing the research before going to print. I find it horrifying that no "due diligence" was done. Clarkson's explanation seems sincere, I love the fact he…
I completely understand your feelings. I had a relative go to prison and although what she did was bad, I love her. Ugh, all of the collateral damage to his family, her family and their friends. I hope his family seeks some therapy because he's going to need a strong support system to not go bonkers. My family was…
Someone brought up an interesting point how limitations of Twitter with its 150 character format makes it difficult to make nuanced argument... I read the longer piece and he comes off as much more thoughtful...
I didn't think you were judging... I was struck by your point about the devaluing of life and it made me think about the fourteen year old who got a gun from her uncle so she could kill another fourteen year old over a boy... that made my heart hurt.
Personally I wouldn't have fired him but he's incredibly stupid knowing that he lives in an At Will state to think that there wouldn't any repercussions. As someone who works in the industry he most certainly had a morals clause in his contract ...
And if Olin had some impulse control he might have found out