
But that's the problem with what Olin said... Sterling acted on his hate for decades and it seems that no one has read about the horrible things that he as done to black and Latinos. It wasn't just words, people knew he was a bigot and nobody did anything until he got caught. He had no clue what he was arguing

People are so caught up in defending a racist coot's right to be a bigot they have not looked into the case... He requested to be taped because of his memory the only reason the tapes came out was because they were entered as evidence in the lawsuit his wife started. i.e. discovery probably is what did him in who

Uhh OK he is the biggest owner of apartment buildings in LA and he was actively discriminating against blacks and Latinos like kicking them out on the street and stuff. SMH at folks lowering the bar for racism.

Donald... and he knew he was being taped and there are hundreds of hours of it, he requested that she do it because of his memory. When his wife sued the mistress the tapes got entered as evidence, then via discovery the mistress' lawyers had to share those tapes with the wife's lawyers so who knows how many people

Yes because apparently he does understand how the 1st amendment works, apparently didn't read the terms of his contract and failed to understand that most states are At Will employers which they can fire your ass without cause.

It's call At Will Employment - the American people voted for this so business would not flee to other countries...

The difference is Jay-Z owns his company this dude just worked for one. Maybe he will start his own business after this...

He works in an At Will State he has no rights:

Very interesting point about the limitations of Twitter, however he is missing the point that no one cared about the thousands of people that Sterling discriminated against until he was caught red handed. No tape and he would have just gone on discriminating against people. The true outrage should be leveled at the

In France it would... in the US since most states are At Will which means they can terminate employees for any reason legally because the voters of this country elected leaders that created those laws. Want things to change got to hit the legal trail.

What? This isn't the government silencing him its a privately owned company in an at will state they have the freedom to do what they like because voters and their representatives voted At will policies into law thereby giving most companies to do with employees as they please. If it's big business versus individual

Doesn't matter he works in a At Will state - they can fire him for anything and more than likely he had a morals clause in his contract for CYA.

Yes because for years now states have been eroding workers rights and now that some obnoxious gamer dude gets fired in an at will/ right to work state people are all fired up about their freedom of speech?

No pile on I just amazed that people know so little about the law. Freedom of speech only applies to the government. Private companies can do what they like. For decades the US has been eroding the rights of workers and now people what to get fired up about their "rights" over some old coot who requested he be

Ceasar seduced men and women to get to the top... Don't forget Alexander and the Greeks...

I get where you are coming from and thanks for sharing... my take away is that she broke your trust and I can appreciate that feeling of betrayal.

LOL, Extempors are assholes - I should've joined the debate team...

Whelp more people are rallying around her than him since he pulled down the post... I'd call this a TKO for Miss Jackson...

I'm a boxing fan, black and a woman here's the fallacy in your argument. I get the pride in "his started from the bottom" success story and I can appreciate that he is a world class athlete however I will hold him accountable for his actions. It "seems" that you don't take domestic abuse seriously, which in our

I get where you are going but I disagree that our society views abortion "nonchalantly" given the Republican's success in closing clinics and creating more restrictive laws, but rather that it is a private decision that most people are uncomfortable discussing. You are not the only person on this blog making a pro