

It started when Nelly named her his #WCW... typical celeb Instagram hook up... and Floyd in response posted a jacked up (at least her mind) picture of her without make up and a few blemishes, etc and she called him out on trying to embarrass her.

Too bad Pacquiao has no love for gays... So I'll hope that Maidana can do the trick.

That is horrifying but dayum ricin????? That's not easy material to handle... he could have killed himself in the process. It only takes of like a grain of salt of that stuff to kill someone and it is a slow and painful death. He had to want to kill her because there is no way she could ingest or inhale it and it

Her father Bob Geldolf created "Band Aid" think of "Let Them Know It's Christmas" the allstar record with all of the top musicians from the eighties. He was also in a popular band called the Boomtown Rats... Her mother was married to Michael Hutchence the lead singer from INXS. After his suicide she eventually died

I'm on the fence about Brand, he has some eloquent points about politics but he has a pretty dodgy history with the ladies which he detailed in his bio.

Why is Jez giving this racist more publicity?

For the record...

She's tapped to star in the next Star Wars trilogy soo... there's a lot going on for black women hollywood, slowly but it's happening. Plus after having worked in the industry for X amount of years. White producers and casting agents do not have the issues with skin color like black producers, casting agents and

This is supposed to be about how the beauty preference for light skin harms women of color. Why is so hard to understand. While you have a point about broad generalizations ad hominen attacks that derail the conversation from the thrust of the article are destructive. People stop listening once the name calling

They also use different chemicals and strengths depending on the regulatory agencies. What is sold in the US is not as nearly as potent as what is soled outside of the US.

LOL! too come from long line of big breasted women and my friends are also from the great big ole titty committee and I'm "the small" one.

Well "straight" as far as self reporting which is still problematic and skews the data especially when it comes to men who have been incarcerated as rape and voluntary sexual contact. But more or less it's about people being a lot more responsible for protecting themselves and their partners...

The police do not have the time or resources to deal with enforcing strip club regulations. In my experience it's best to stay away from any generalizations about women's empowerment and strip clubs I've met a lot of miserable strippers.

There's footage of the whole incident and she didn't leave right away that was part of the whole controversy... she calls Ye to rightfully handle that kid, but when she's getting paid $500,000 to be the escort of a notorious misogynist she and her mother play it off for the cameras.

Yes of course but WHY do they enjoy it if it isn't made of them? :) I will add formally produced porn is also quite racist... but that's another convo :)

Wow, I appreciate the thought... and yes I love engaging as well especially about philosophy and it's not like I haven't a crank on this site a few times myself. :)

All over the world I used to be a back up dancer and I've toured with hip-hop and rock bands so I've seen quite a few... My fave was a speakeasy in a barn in Wisconsin that was run by a couple... I've seen a lot at clubs and I've seen some pretty crappy things go down... Not every club enforces those rules you

They are being sued for this... and they just lost their motion to dismiss
