I would pay for their tickets to Crimea.
I would pay for their tickets to Crimea.
OK I wasn't being snarky just genuinely curious... wanted to do some independent reading/ research for myself.
Of course but you aren't implying that there is no such thing as sexism? Point being porn is made for the pleasure of men not women.
Yet she went to a ball as a paid escort and said nothing when she was mocked openly to her face by a man in blackface and a guest dropped the N bomb all the while her mother smiles for the camera... There are other couples they could've picked if it was about showing a interracial relationship
LOL I did not see that!
That's a myth.. it's not unheard of for a dancer to get raped at club.
I agree about let's not shame the woman who is working her way through college... but consider that the male gaze may have influenced you girlfriend in her choice of sexual stimulation. Also you can't extrapolate an individual experience as being representative of an entire group. :) Porn does nada for me.
"Agency is a stupid term used by narcissists and people trying to trick narcissists into doing what they want. Women particularly use it because in this culture women are never wrong. If they are and someone tells them, then it's oppression."
More like Paris Hilton... she's as deep as a puddle on a hot summer day.
"I think that if stripping were no longer socially stigmatized, this sentence would no longer be true. The reason topless dancing is preferable to waiting tables is that they both suck but one pays much better than the other. If there were no stigma against topless dancing, competition would explode and the pay would…
I was a backup dancer and have been on tour and while on tour I think I must have visited every strip club in America... There's a myth about the profitability of stripping, people think that everyone is making Scores type money when that is not the case. The majority of clubs serve working class cliental and trust…
Thank you euuuuwwww
"...truth be told, when I first came across the pictures (before reading more of the blog entry), I assumed to to be white supremacist because the Getty images I found were all pretty horrid depictions of President Obama." LOL The extremists in the black church were already suspicious of Obama because he's half…
"Failure to recognise I do all of my own reporting for ROYGBIV, that I am not part of a virtual newsroom where we all swap research. I was completely unaware that this was "first reported in the black media." What is the black media? How is it defined? What publications does it include? We could have had a great…
A sincere question how was I vicious? We will intersect again and I don't want negativity to prevent dialogue. If you read how I responded I am trying to de-escalate and you call me names?
I didn't attack you personally so lets not misdirect - however you came for me quite personally. You are a featured and respected writer as you have been given access to post on ROYBIV and I am just a poster so to equate you singling me out for a legitimate critiques articles/reporting about POC which has been…
There is no "conclusion" per se since the flare up that was referred to occurred several years ago and things like education, medications and access to healthcare continue to evolve... However like most people who are infected with HIV regardless of race, gender or sexuality high risk behavior makes up most of the…
OK thanks for explaining the rules... and wow are you taking this personal??? My point was I had read about this on other sites prior to to the post on Jezebel and by addressing "Jez" I was attempting not to personalize any criticism... Please read the posts where some of our wonderful, not being sarcastic posters…
Are you aware of/involved with black LGBT communities?