Day late and a dollar short... does Jez understand that this was first reported in the black media or do we want to continue to shame black people for their spiritual choices???
Day late and a dollar short... does Jez understand that this was first reported in the black media or do we want to continue to shame black people for their spiritual choices???
As a black woman I would have to emphatically disagree with the assertion that "where almost every Black woman was questioning the sexuality of her partner" unless you have some data to prove otherwise... What it did was take a prejudice that was whispered, brought it into the light and allowed it to be exposed as…
Intolerance towards homosexuals is not limited to Christianity... Also it's hard to include all of this in a post but in short slavery and segregation play a bigger part than religion as far as hypermasculinity and homophobia... Sure religion feeds into it but much of the homophobia in the black community is based…
Great point... however the "down low" brother moment/ Oprah episode was not sparked by "moral panic" but by the crisis level rate of HIV infection rate among black women and the rate of incarceration of black men. The down low brother myth had been around since AIDS started ravaging the black community. At that time…
Not weird but perhaps specialized?
You know what Geraldo, your shirtless selfie nearly ruined my sex life...
What's the connection to the exception for religious institutions?
Guilty a well, looking forward to Think Like a Man 2
"Give the mother a little more exploration, (get into the paranoia of a modern day religious isolationist who sees satanic conspiracies in the date of Obama's inauguration, maybe) or add some focus on the students who aren't comfortable with the treatment of Carrie but stay quiet not to risk becoming the new target…
I see.. I guess I was thinking more of the anthropological studies on the universal preference for facial symmetry as far as beauty standards are concerned. I'm not sure what you mean by "FFF wants to separate race and physical features, and that kind of doesn't work." What's the flaw in the logic?
I find the English dubs for foreign movies LOL distracting... as long as the text is in yellow I'm good to go...
Can victims use the civil courts? Ugh!
Just another thank you. You are my hero and role model, you gave me an example of how to conduct myself as a black woman in the workplace.
I hear you about TGWDT but a lot of people have trouble with sub-tittles and Carrie was a flop.
The problem with some remakes like Carrie or the Omen isn't that they don't make adjustments to match modern culture... its the lack of surprise. The hook to the Omen was surprise this little boy is the Devil. Same thing with Carrie and prom scene. These movie airs hundreds of times a year why would someone pay to…
A friend worked with Terry on a shoot in LA and she set me up with one of his assistants. Went on a couple of dates he was very sweet and engaging, but had a bad drug habit. I can easily see how models could be lured into thinking that they are in a safe situation because he surrounds himself with cheerleaders.
How about evil minion