Safeco is one of the coolest buildings Ive ever been in.
Safeco is one of the coolest buildings Ive ever been in.
I miss Emmitt
-Kansas City Chefs
Buying weed in a legalized state, Jerry Jones says: “It’s just not good”
Jericho was trained by Stu Hart, I believe, a man not known for fucking around. If there was a fight between Jericho and Brock, I’d bet on Jericho.
Assuming your Orioles manage to hold on to that 2nd wildcard spot while my Mariners are charging hard.
Clearwater. Something about a cult choosing Florida as homebase fits.
Boiled peanuts are legit Philistine.
Oddly enough, I saw Mike Tyson walking around the streets of Las Vegas the other day wearing a t-shirt that said “Malformed Greasy Brandwhore.”
I can’t stop looking at the thumbs! Too fucking long! It almost looks like he’s clenching too wilting hotdogs.
More like former coach.
Softy isn’t one to appreciate nuance—They can still be pro arena, but are not as applicable to this deal.
Not to mention while he is exploring according to the plot (the fact that some places are ruins and stuff), there is very little actual exploration. You go along one fairly obvious, straightforward path to each objective. Occasionally you have to go to a couple different locations, but the path to each is…
looks like there’s a glass ceiling in headlines, too. men in her position earn up to 20% more adjectives and descriptive violent imagery when they do a segment on yahoos.
Thank goodness Kshama was able to change “Columbus Day” to “Indigenous People’s Day”! What an accomplishment, the effects of which will be felt for years to come.
This take has convinced me that Texas should just shit or get off the pot. Secede please, because you ain’t no Southern state with this awful BBQ take.
While I agree in spirit with my friend from sourh of the border, he is remiss in leaving FRIED OKRA off the list.
....collard greens or you fail at life.
The fact that you’re putting “Texas” and BBQ together invalidates you.