
“People don’t wanna see a cow killed, they just want to see their steak on a plate.” - Black Dynamite

So it’s an invisible contract not really signed by anyone that doesn’t necessarily say anything and it’s being used to violate another invisible contract not really signed by anyone that also doesn’t say anything.

To be honest, I do not find her attractive. I know plenty of people do and that’s fine but I just don't see it.

I don’t get the appeal. She’s a capable actor I suppose, but other than that I just don’t get it.

Gun control will work just as well as drug control and murder control have.

I read his comment in a British accent.

And most of these people probably vote.

I am uncomfortable with the fact that dude is wearing the New 52 Superman costume.

That’s exactly what they did. Bulma’s name is a play on the word “bloomer” (or the Japanese pronunciation of it) another word for old fashioned “granny panties”.

No, I’m talking about when they restored it in the Special Edition. They replaced the human Jabba with a CGI version using his alien appearacne and even made a little gag of Han stepping on his tail.

If they couldn't convince the public that they were always in extreme jeopardy it would be much harder to get support from a majority of people who, let's be honest, will probably not find themselves the victims of police brutality.

I’m mesmerized by the thumb angles. I just tried to do that and it isn’t at all comfortable.

Even the horrible Jabba appearance? That shit was wack as fuck.

I'm amazed at how many people think overt racism is only found in the southern US.

I feel like it would make so much more sense to use a new GL that’s never been seen before. I’m assuming the GLC is still around in the 23rd century. If they aren’t, the writer is going to have to explain why it’s necessary for Hal to be there instead of whoever is wearing the ring at that point.

His face is super annoying. It looks like he has too many teeth and even when he’s looking directly at the camera you see the side of his nose. I like to think that’s from someone giving his face the punching it deserved after he said something really fucking stupid.

I was 10 when Crisis came out and I had no problem following it. Then again, that’s when superhero comics were written so that almost anyone could pick them up and understand them.

Segregation was all over the country. The south was just more vocal about using the Bible to justify it.

But these things don't happen in a vacuum. Reputation spreads like wildfire nearly instantly, which wasn't the case in the 1950s.

I also find her extremely sexy. The fact that she could beat the shit out of me adds to her appeal. I am fucking weird.