Cops pull that excuse every single time they kill someone that didn't have a gun or any reason at all to be killed. I mean when you see a traffic stop with 3 squad cars and 6 cops wearing body armor pulling over one guy, it's complete overkill.
Cops pull that excuse every single time they kill someone that didn't have a gun or any reason at all to be killed. I mean when you see a traffic stop with 3 squad cars and 6 cops wearing body armor pulling over one guy, it's complete overkill.
Police use lethal force against unarmed people alarmingly often. Whether it's a bullet or a chokehold or a flashbang grenade tossed into a toddler's crib during one of those ridiculous "no knock" raids. Police kill citizens far more often than the other way around.
Much of what passes for American capitalism these days is nothing more than cronyism and collusion between rival companies. The concept of actual competition and a truly free market scares the shit out of many corporations.
The other side of the coin is that these people know that police are very likely to use deadly force for just about anything at all. If the police didn't have cowboy mentalities and itchy trigger fingers, maybe there wouldn't be a point to doing this.
Lots of these comments were from people that have some degree of difficulty getting off. Nobody responded with "Sorry about your vagina". Perhaps I took your comment the wrong way.
That's rather flippant. Plenty of women have a tough time getting off. Some men do too.
As a guy that enjoys the occasional blowie, I have to say that nothing is less sexy than a BJ given by someone that treats it as an obligation. In my experience, the best BJs are given with genuine enthusiasm. I would say that's 90% of it with the other 10% being slow down and watch the teeth.
Not all men are so quick to orgasm. The very first time I had sex, I went for almost 2 hours and didn't even get close (ended up with the worst blue balls in history). It takes me forever to orgasm. I've actually had to fake it numerous times just so I could stop and rest.
The thing is Kool Keith could have taken those exact same words and turned it into something not dog shit.
So...rock you like a Harry Kane?
And he yells most of the allegedly funny things he says.
Although I also believe Alison Brie to be very very attractive, I have never bought a movie ticket just because a film had a good looking woman in it.
I liked Kevin Hart better when he was called Chris Tucker.
It appears that she enjoys wearing clothes
It appears that she enjoys wearing clothes and wearing nice things.
I was gonna say that if the Capitol had bag ladies, they'd look exactly like this.
As I said, the WWE product is pretty lackluster these days and, IMO, has been for years. I think a large part of that has to do with the fact that, as far as American promotions go, it's the only game in town. Their last "golden age" was probably during the 90s to early 2000s, or the so called "Attitude Era" which was…
Why are there so many comments like this on wrestling posts? I mean we get it. It's "fake" fake as an action movie. Ever been invested in an action movie? Ever cheer for a fictional character?
I'm curious as to why you'd post on a wrestling article if you find it laughably bad and don't want to watch it.
It's just as fake as an action movie. You know Jason Statham and Jet Li aren't really kicking the shit out of people, right? Do you scream "Fake!" at the movie screen?