
ah, the ol’ Mormon Assault Vehicle

Pickup trucks. I always seem to run into two types of pickup drivers in my area. The first is someone who works in a trade who is constantly driving around the neighborhood while on their phone. They’re generally going 10 below the speed limit and stopping randomly in the middle of the street because their mind is

Any truck with modified suspension.

I’m really confused as to why Tesla hasn’t swept this competition. There are SO many of them on the road, and it’s a Model S, it’ll have vanity plates.

Yes, WE KNOW it does an acceleration trick. Yes, WE EXPECT you to use it as soon as we move left to pass you. 

The Nissan Altima is just driven by people with 300 credit scores and no drivers license, not necessarily idiots.

How incredibly thick that A-pillars are on my everyday car.

My thinking is that your adaptive cruise is working exactly as it should, and that driver is an asshole whose choices shouldn’t demand a design change.

Uh....for all uses of cruise control, a space large enough for other drivers to merge in should be left....that feels like works as designed to me.

2021 Toyota RAV4 Prime SE. The lack of illuminated controls at night. Aside from the center dash HVAC, I believe they put 1 LED in the whole cabin: for the driver’s window switch on the driver’s door. All other buttons, switches, toggles, door pulls and locks everywhere are just pitch black along with the overhead

This is an uncharacteristically hideous car to come from Jaguar. They made the early Cayenne/X5 mistake of “take our car design cues and paste them onto an SUV shape as-is” and it really just doesn’t work at all.

Make your browser window more narrow until the slideshow goes away. 

The CEO said it is a topic that has already been raised with dealers; the importance of not jacking prices higher than the recommended sticker price”

My friend traded in his Model 3 for a Polestar and his rates were cut in half. 

Neither of those are EVs. But ok.

To me the sweet spot on used EVs is when they are under $25k. Below $25k they get a 30% tax rebate (up to $4000).

...and Fisker and Vinfast and any of them. Hell, throw Lincoln and Buick in as well.

This is literally what I’ve been looking at for the past 4 weeks since I want to go electric but don’t want an SUV and everyone and their grandmas has a Tesla (I’m in Southern California.)

Timely article.

On a Japanese car makes it extra Amurican.