
Thanks alot Asshole! now I need to explain to IT why there is coffee all over my monitors and laptop. Take a star and think of the problems you have caused!

Shut it down, we’re done here.




Most likely it is dudes in lifted trucks that can't see the kids on the crosswalk.  Especially dangerous when turning right on red.

Take you star you monster lol

I sort of can confirm this.


4 inches (or less) created the demand for the taller hoods in the first place.

That really was shooting his own foot off. It ensured that Fiat “Studios” were few and far between and had to have hurt initial sales quite a bit.

People like Musk give drugs a bad name.

Ha! Yes! Or his first wife - “starter wife” as she called herself.

They should make Grimes his conservator. At least his kids would get appropriate child support.,

Thanks to people like Mr. Elon Musk, Mr. Donald Trump, Mr. Stephan Miller, Mr. David Duke, etc., etc. the White Nationalists in our nation are having a field day. The part that really gets me is when their Nasty Minions tell me to “Deport yourself”. As a Halfbreed who has ancestors who lived in what is now the United

Potential issue: if he gets even dumber, how exactly would we be able to tell?

Don’t care about elon’s drug use. His mission to make America safe for nazi’s...that’s a problem. F that POS.

I hope he is worse. Musk is a POS excuse for a human being.

Seems like Elon going into a persistent vegetative state would be the best possible thing for all of these companies.

Someone tell Elon that lead gets you high, and give him a bunch of lead paint to huff. Speed things up.