
Honestly, in the footage, there was no car, and there was no dog.

Why? My Gay friend say they are the best power bottoms

See what strikes me is my sister’s story.

I particularly like the part where the executive tasked with running the state is “encouraging” the police to provide the body cam footage, not ordering it to be produced.

That cop wasn’t going fast enough to lose control. Look at the video and he’s not even close to the car he said he almost hit and he doesn’t seem to be trying very hard to correct.

Conversely, our 2017 XC90 T8 was riddled with squeaks, battery issues, and random screen reboots. I loved driving the car (still the comfiest seats and best sound system of any car I’ve owned), but it was in for warranty work every other month.

One of the things I like about my 2007 Mustang GT is that it still has climate controls that I can adjust without looking because it doesn’t have a F-ing touch screen. Another wonderful aspect is that it doesn’t have an automatic transmission, independent rear suspension with CV joint boots or other high maintenance

2016...my still under warranty Mini throws itself into safe mode on the highway - top speed of 50 and can’t cross 2500rpm. In Texas that’s not safe on a highway. Dealership is an hour across town. I have three kids and the logistics of kid shuttling can probably rival aircraft carrier flight ops.

Best option is buy the base lux branded vehicle so you can get a loaner while its in the shop. Service windows and repair times are DRASTICALLY lower. 

You must have a lot of time on your hands if you can bear dealing with unexpected minor and major issues on NEW cars. Reliability does matter. Time taken out of my day(s) to take a car to a dealer to get something fixed that shouldn’t have been a problem to begin with is a major inconvenience. I could be doing other

I mean, I feel like Rivian should get a bit of a pass for being so new.  Platforms like the Wrangler and Grand Cherokee should be fucking ashamed of themselves, though- they’ve had literally DECADES to iterate and improve.  

What magical world do you live in where a warranty means any issue with the car are magically, immediately fixed? It must be great not having to worry about how you’re going to get to work or pick up your kids or drive to the grocery store while your “under warranty” car sits at the dealer for three weeks for the

If you insist on doing slide shows, at least allow readers the alternative of scrolling through.

Man, I so want Rivian to improve.  They are like the one semi-viable brand that actually makes something that interests me and I might be able to afford some day.  

I hear the Pacifica Hybrid is downright fantastic... when it’s actually working.  Such a shame that a (supposedly) great vehicle is so hindered by shitty reliability.

All the Alfa Romeo owners may have simply been stuck on the side of the road and unable to respond to the survey.

That F’ing Pacifica is the reason I’ve been waiting two years on a Toyota Sienna. Only two hybrid options and one of them is complete garbage...from the company that comprises half this list.  Go big or go home I guess....

I’ve owned VWs, my mom owns a VW.  They have terrible reliability and are expensive to fix.  I for one will not own another.  I don’t have particularly high standards but VW could not even make those.  Based on my co-workers experiences I a bit surprised that there are now BMWs on the list.

Rejoice my friends, we can now with confidence buy an Alfa Romeo without being ridiculed as having the worst reliability car brand Stellantis makes! Ehh... maybe still don’t buy it, just in case.

is it just me that I have to click on next several times to move to the next item? or is it a cheap trick to get more clicks?