I wonder how many of these “boob police” turn around and watch some porn after they finish reporting women streamers for being too sexual?
I wonder how many of these “boob police” turn around and watch some porn after they finish reporting women streamers for being too sexual?
“The Dolphins are Stale Piss.” Does that mean that the Dolphins are now Trump’s team?
I guess he is a bit of both. Defending Trump’s poor spelling by citing author’s grammar mistake might okay, but he ruins his point by with the you should know better comment. That is where it crosses the line into, “I am better than you” territory.
Spelling libel as liable makes sense for a person like Trump. Since Trump is able to lie at the drop of a hat.
I have to admit, I kind of enjoy a grammar nazi getting their correction wrong.
In related news, American Pharoah has been officially renamed as American Hero.
Damn good question. I wish I knew. They never really talked about it, but I assume it had something to do with him having really good grades in high school and being in position to be the first person on either side of our family to have a chance to graduate from a big name university. And it wasn’t all bad. They paid…
This is a rather old story. It concerns my older brother, who was very homophobic, a braggart, and often a bit of a sadist asshole to me. In fact I am pretty sure if he were still around he would be a diehard Trumper, as he was a diehard Michele Bachmann fanboy before. Growing up I had to listen to him bragging…
I played on a chess team with a girl who would wear an open necked blouse with a small golden cross necklace. During matches she would lean over the board and move just enough to get the cross moving. It was a pretty effective distraction, I have to admit.
When my high school was attempting to write a new dress code, I listened to some of my students discussing the current dress code and one them, finding me willing to listen, talked to me about how the dress code seemed to target black girls and heavier girls the most. After that conversation, I volunteered to be on…
The last line is the most perfect description of the Trump administration.
The report I saw has Bolton saying on the record that he and Trump got into an argument last night, with Bolton offering to resign and Trump being non committal. Bolton says he thought about it overnight and handed in his letter today (which matches the date on the letter).
So you’re saying that Trump folded the letter? (Okay you are right, it tracks for both of them.)
Will Trump be grabbing himself by the Trump now?
Who gets custody of the reality tv empire? /s
Does this mean that Trump grabs himself by the himself?
So Trump has screwed around with both Hurricane Dorian and Stormy Daniels. I wonder if Dorian will also get $130,000 hush money?
I just can’t believe anyone is stupid enough to accept that graph above the age of five or IQ of 75. It is just such an obviously bad edit. Also knowing that Trump has a big affinity for sharpie markers (usually gold, but also black) I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t do this himself right before the press…
I know you are joking, but this is a serious reply. Trump has rosacea which makes his skin red and splotchy. (His physical states that he takes a med. for rosacea. If you remember some of those times when Bill Clinton had red splotchy skin - Clinton also has rosacea.) I’d bet that Trump prefers the orange spray tan…
I think being his lover/wife is probably worse. Maybe we should ask Ivanka, she may be the only person who can do an accurate comparison?