
She was homeschooled. I’m not sure what her high-school diploma is really worth.

I know this wasn’t your intention, but you just made me feel like a good parent for the first time in my life.

I tried watching the show, but I couldn’t get through the first season. It felt like the show took everything that really made Gaiman’s book work on a higher level and threw it out to focus on splashiest parts. I get the motivation, but they missed an opportunity to connect with the deeper themes in the book.

I think the point is that this is AMERICAN Muslims talking about their faith. Why not use it when talking about North America since it’s representative of Muslims in North America. I think that would have a bigger impact on students who think of Islam as coming from somewhere else.

If you’re going to suggest that someone google to find out, then that means someone, somewhere, wrote it down and made it available online. It still requires that someone, somewhere, explain. If, as an author, you decide to rely on google to fill in details that are necessary to understand your story, that means you

Welcome to the club. I’ve been having this same discussion with my friend for three days. We’ve concluded that the emperor has no clothes.

My attitude is that this a private issue for HER and Jezebel should have contacted her for comment as they are writing about HER and her role in the business closing. I’m not saying this a private issue between a husband and a wife. Fuck the husband. I’m saying she shouldn’t be exploited like this to take down a

I’m not denying that i’m projecting my feelings onto this article. I’ve said, I’m really triggered by this article. But I started with a simple question: did Jezebel contact the “wife” before publishing this piece? Was she informed that Jezebel was going to publicize these events for the purpose of knocking down a

And yes, domestic violence is exactly the kind of thing that “can happen to any family” as the author wrote in the original piece.”

Woman’s pain gets exploited without her consent by supposedly feminist website to generate faux outrage at a food critic for not exposing her assault without her consent.

In case you are unaware of the difference, I interpreted the meaning of what you said. I wasn’t claiming those were your exact words. That’s not making stuff up, that’s called interpretation.

This isn’t a story that needs to be told for the public good. Stanich isn’t an elected official. His restaurant isn’t a public institution.Jezebel is violating a woman’s privacy and claiming moral superiority. When you say that her right to privacy doesn’t matter because it’s public record, what are you saying if not

Because to survivors of assault, it’s not about public record. It’s her story. You just dehumanized her by saying she doesn’t have the right to her own experience. We can google her and write about it and never once ask her if she wants this to be told.

I don’t see that this woman was left out, I see her as being used. Because she’s not actually part of this story. She’s not interviewed. There’s no mention that Jezebel got in touch with her lawyer or tried to contact her. I don’t think we’re entitled to her narrative of domestic abuse unless she’s the one presenting

“You said yourself that the domestic violence abuse information was found in a two second Google search. Alexander’s omission wasn’t just laziness; it was an unintentional or intentional effort to shield yet another bad man.” 

I asked this question on the previous story, and now I’m going to ask it here. Did you talk to his wife about whether or not she wanted her story to be told?

“But Alexander does not talk to Stanich’s wife

A different kind of example of this is Broadchurch, where the wife isn’t the victim but is nonetheless destroyed by her marriage to a murderer.

Hinduism is also authentic when it’s not in India. Staying close to the origin, if J.K was actually inspired by Indonesian mythology, would have meant casting an Indonesian actress.

A South Asian man who was perpetuating the myth of Indian superiority and authority over Hinduism.