
Uh, Indonesian Hinduism is not less authentic than Indian Hinduism... Sanskrit is a language not a people. If J.K.R. was inspired by Indonesian mythology, she doesn’t have to go back to the Indian myth to legitimate her interpretation. Indian people are not the only authoritative representation of Hinduism. Amish

Ah, the good old “I would react to cheating in this precise way” comment, in which someone claims to be supportive of the scorned woman, but in reality is just boasting about how they would be tougher, stronger, or more confident than other women, who are shamed for being too meek or subservient.

I don’t think the issue is forgiveness. The problem is that the circle of men who are in positions of power and the circle of men who are sexually, physically or emotionally abusive towards other people overlap considerably, in large part because to be a man in a position of power you probably have developed certain

“But, if there is a “higher power”, taking a very good person so early in life yet leaving so many assholes makes no sense.”

Why are you generalizing something that is incredibly personal and different for every person? I’m not saying that you should use children as the reason to stay together, I’m saying that depending on one’s circumstances, sometimes making it work is the best choice for both partners. If you choose to make it work, you

No one is saying it occurs in a vacuum but the cheater is 100% responsible for the infidelity. If they had not cheated, it wouldn’t have happened. They might not be 100% responsible for the circumstances they use to justify their cheating, but most people are incapable of accepting full responsibility for anything

When you say that “infidelity is a symptom of a bad marriage, not the cause” - you’re shifting the blame away from the cheating spouse and on to the marriage - which both parties are equally responsible for. Hence, you’re saying that the wronged partner bears equal responsibility as the cheater, because the reason

When you have children together, are financially dependent on one another, are dealing with an illness, or have other circumstances that make breaking up incredibly difficult, sometimes the best option for all involved is to try to make it work.

Those who say that Spike “bootstrapped” himself into being good are ignoring the very problematic reasons for why he helps Buffy in the first place - first for money and then after because he’s obsessed with her. Why do people forget that he abducted her in season 5 and chained her up (along with Harmony and Dru) and

“Being a man” has nothing to do with the ability to get it up. I believe that Spike says that he “can’t be a demon, can’t be a man” because of his chip.

Didn’t they leave Spike’s motivation suspect on purpose? Was he looking for a soul or looking to get his chip removed so he could “be a man” again?

I think people can feel guilty for things that they have no direct control over. People who have mental illness and go into manic states don’t come out of them feeling no remorse over how they behaved when they had no ability to control themselves. Isn’t Angel’s condition similar to someone with mental illness?

Why would you have said Angel was the worst and what do you think now?

Four years ago I was in the same situation. I discovered he had been cheating 2 months after our second child was born with health problems.

I was going to post a lyric I really like and then I realized that I would have to post the whole song because every line is perfection. She’s such an amazing poet.

??? It’s hilarious that you think Kirpans aren’t ceremonial and that those who wear them all receive special training. That would involve a level of organization that far surpasses the abilities of most Sikh congregations that I have known. Trained to use them?? Everyone knows not to bring a knife to a gun fight, the

I was addressing a problem that goes beyond this one case.

It seems like there is a simple solution to these problems - if another, lesser known, designer makes something that you like, invite them on board to collaborate. Give them a boost, give yourself a boost with good publicity and give them a royalty fee on the bags you produce together. Collaborate! It’s really not

I wanted to add that I also think the specifics of my parents relationship is not something to emulate - so while I admire their methods for keeping their relationship going, I do not admire their actual relationship. This is an important lesson to keep in mind: one couple’s recipe for a loving relationship may be

I’ve known a few couples who have known from their first meeting that they would get married. What I’ve realized is that a successful relationship is not dependent on how people meet or the intensity of their feelings for one another in the beginning. It’s the daily choice to love the other person which is what