
Why not just use combinations of foods that don’t traditionally go together. like mustard ice cream or bbq jello? 

I’m not sure there’s a solution other than to acknowledge that being criticized for cultural insensitivity isn’t the worse thing that can happen to you and to accept that other people might misinterpret your actions. We also need to address the culture of bullying that’s taking over these conversations and these

I’d like to push back on the idea that “white people are the only ones who ever make money off all of this supposed “cultural exchange!”

Now, going so far as to trademark “Harujuku Girls” and build her own fashion brand on their aesthetic is loaded with problems that I don’t dispute. But I would just like to point out

And I’m not saying I don’t have sympathy for them being the victim of a pedophile; I’m saying I struggle to feel sympathy for how the media treated them. 

I don’t blame Courtney for what happened to them at all. But the media isn’t social services. The media wasn’t in a position to be “nice” to Courtney. A lot of the reporting at the time was about how their relationship was abusive and inappropriate. Aside from ignoring Courtney, I don’t know how the media could have

The author could have written “Courtney”. The same issue happens when you’re discussing two women or two men; it’s not exclusive to non-binary folk and collective nouns. Just use the name instead of a pronoun if there’s a risk of confusion. Pronouns are optional; they just cut down on repetition, but they aren’t

I think the only solution would have been for the media to ignore Courtney. You’re very right in your description of how they behaved back then. They were constantly pushing for attention, doing anything possible to get in front of the cameras and hyper sexualizing themselves. There was a lot of concern for Courtney,

I understand valuing your personal interests, but at what point are you willing to concede that the personal risk to you from the vaccine is incredibly low, much much lower than a lot of other drugs and behaviors that you engage in regularly? Do you have the knowledge and experience necessary to even judge whether the

You’re right, but I think there’s a lot going on that creates this disparity: 1) I think society worries less about protecting vulnerable men than they do protecting vulnerable women - men are sometimes expected to fend for themselves and so they don’t seek help when they need to or help isn’t offered to men soon

I think BDSM is being used as a cover for abuse. The proportion of people who are genuinely interested in ethically responsible kink and BDSM is probably very small. I don’t think many people know how much conversation goes into it before hand and it’s not something that one person can reluctantly drag another

The problem isn’t that people are repeating the story of where their family came from, it’s that Latimer associated herself with a particular, living community and made it appear that she had an active tie to that community, when she doesn’t, and profited off that association. If you weren’t raised with a connection to

I haven’t read the actual article, so I wonder if something is getting missed in the summary. From what this post is saying, the new theory is conflating the cause of the statues form with their meaning. Climate changed caused these representations to be deemed a feminine ideal; but the meaning of them isn’t “climate

demisexual is actually someone who needs love to feel attraction.

Those percentages mean that your DNA matches 37.5% of the sample size of people of Vietnamese decent in their database. It does not mean that you are 37.5% Vietnamese. Your test is only as accurate as their sample size of participants. Once more, say you inherited a trait from one of your ancestors who was from a given

You know that only the people who live in the Papineau riding get to vote for Trudeau. Everyone else will be voting for their local representative. Suggesting that people not vote for their liberal candidate because of Trudeau is completely not understanding how Canadian politics works. And constantly going on about

This photo could have come out at any point in the past 4-6 years, but it came out now. The day before he was scheduled to appear on Lilly Singh’s show. This was done to disrupt the election and trash the liberal party. It doesn’t change his government’s record over the last 4 years, which admittedly leaves a lot to

This isn’t an example of racism, it’s an illustration of where anti-racism education was back in 2001. Concepts like “micro-aggression” and “mimicry” were not part of the conversation. People didn’t know the difference between a culture and a costume.  

Lots of people in the comments are saying that there is an

I think normalizing fear of strangers just creates an anxious child.

I don’t think your take away from that situation should be,“I was wrong to have been friendly towards a child.” You really didn’t do anything wrong in this situation. I don’t think children should be ignored and treated like they don’t exist unless their parent grants permission to acknowledge their presence. Like,

Sorry people have been really shitty to you. I’ve been on Jez for a really long time as well and it’s pretty sad to see how toxic the comment section has become.