
As an American or any other nationality, you can go to a public or private clinic/hospital/medical treatment centre and you will pay based on the services and procedures rendered. It's comparable to what you would pay in the US, I think. I think there is some issue with regulating those charges and so it's worth

Discrimination applies when rules that are designed for everyone prevent or inhibit an individual's rights (there are many that could apply, religion is just one right - freedom of conscience is another - like if you were a vegan and refused to cook live lobsters). The duty on the employer is to provide an

Couldn't all of this have been avoided by requiring health insurance companies, all of them, to cover contraception regardless of the plan. This would take away from the argument that the employer is directly purchasing contraceptive coverage.

Maybe he said it once during an argument and it stuck in her mind. Maybe she thought it was too horrible an idea and tried to convince herself he would never really do it. There are many possibilities, it doesn't mean that she was complicit.

The way I see it is that the university doesn't want to keep any staff around who either knew about the rape and covered it up, or supported or defended the coach. Starting fresh means dismantling the program, or firing people for reasons that violate their union agreements. this is the easiest solution to avoid

Sounds exhausting. My kids get unsupervised time and they're only 1 and 2. I don't mean that I let them roam the neighbourhood, but I leave the room and cook in the kitchen while they play elsewhere. mostly, my oldest draws on herself and my youngest complains he can't find me. I do know parents who are on them 24/7

oppression olympics!

Recently, my two year old has started to notice her genitals and show curiosity about other people's. I'd imagine that if she didn't feel like she had the right body parts and didn't want to be called a girl, she would let me know. We jokingly ask her if she's various objects and she always says no, unless you ask her

Thank you. I can't even think of my kids as mixed racial because they aren't half of anything, they are full persons. My family is mixed racial, interracial, intercultural what have you, but the individuals are whole beings. I hate references to people as mixes.

It's also called set style yoghurt and yes, I am a huge fan. Especially the full 6% fat kind. Hmmmmmm

Are you more upset about the piece or the comments. Because I agree that there is something really vile in the way people are piping up to say that gay men are the worst, etc, etc. Like stigmatizing all gay men as misogynistic is so very acurate (sarcasm). But reading the piece I thought it addressed the problem of

If you think that they cannot accommodate someone last minute, you are very naive. You don't think that they keep one table in reserve in case someone important requests a reservation last minute? I'm not saying they make people wait for no reason. I'm saying that they probably legitimately hold one table aside or

I think what would have been fair is for them to turn away the parents at this time but offer them a new reservation without having to go through the 4 month wait list. Maybe throw in a glass of free wine or something for going to the effort of trying to make their reservation and having their plans ruined. I think

Hey, my best friend finally got her parents off her back and married who she wanted. If you don't want the arrange-love-matchmaker thing, you should know that life goes on successfully after refusing. You can even have a great relationship with your parents and have them love your non-Indian husband. You really need

I had the flu while I was pregnant last year and it affected my baby - he was low birth weight. This year I got the vaccine and it was very easy going, I had no adverse reaction. I regret not getting the shot last year. My baby is still very tiny - 3rd percentile. He can fit in some 0-3 month clothes at 8 months,

This year I went and got the Christmas tree by myself while he stayed home and entertained the kids. I couldn't hoist it on the roof alone, so it went in the car. He'll be the one to vacuum the needles out in the spring.

Getting a toddler high is abuse. They cannot consent to it, they don't understand what is happening, it is not for any medicinal purpose like giving morphine after surgery. It is simply child abuse. You might like to think otherwise, but imagine if the article was about giving a toddler an orgasm. Just because the

My Dad was sooo good at it that I figured the only way to get over my own embarrassment was to pass along the torch to my child.

Those did they/didn't they nose job shots are the worst. Every image is shot from a completely different angle, one picture is of them smiling and another with a straight face, and they are years even decades apart. Noses change, as you get older they tend to get longer and skinnier, especially as you lose fat in your

Any other parent just saw that ad as a huge mess and felt instantly bad for the parents of those girls who are going to be left to clean it up after trying to get them to do it only results in half hearted attempts?