
Try the position for a while and if you are really unhappy, go back to what you were doing before. You don't have to stay in a job you don't like, but if it will open further doors and advance your career then keep your eye on the long term prize, which is opening your own place. Give yourself 6-12 months at this new

Our collective aversion is probably why the band, Moist, never took off. Such an awful name. I have an aversion to anyone that likes them because of their name, primarily.

I'm saying, why are you trying to engage someone who is unrepentant about being racist. They certainly aren't interested in hearing about why they are wrong to be racist because it is something they are proud of. There are only two kinds of conversations that emerge when you engaging with someone who claims to be

Can't you just let a person say they are racist? I mean, I think you're right but that still makes the person racist which is exactly what they claim to be. Let's not pat them on the back for their self-awareness, but like how much more racist can you be than just racist. Is there a Kinsey scale for racism?

this thread is actually hilarious:

I love the idea of a sandwich blog and a challenge is a great premise. But this one is really off-putting. Sorry, I no like it.

I thought my daughter would be ugly and I fully anticipated it. So when she came out I was all, oh no, she's not cute and I felt a little weird, but I maintained that I loved her anyway, though I felt disappointed and moved on with it. Turns out she was gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous, I was just totally fixated on

Sometimes it's not even about that. The homewrecker in my life turned out to be just completely self-absorbed and unable to see the horrible situation she was creating for me and my kids. She just couldn't see past her own feelings to understand the consequences of her actions. She wasn't competing with me, so much as

You would be surprised what some people are capable of doing behind their best friend's back. Sometimes, people really are homewreckers and they know full well what the relationship is like and the circumstances and they think as long as they don't get caught everything will be fine. That's a homewrecker.

I have a truly awful being-cheated-on story and while I would have loved to ruin the other woman's life, I couldn't bring myself to really go after her as there were many things going on in my life that meant that I could not indulge my rage. Frankly, her life is pretty shitty and since she wanted to have mine so

There are many ways religions are involved in daily life and public life before you get to a theocracy. Religions historically and even today are often involved in humanitarian efforts that proportionally help more women than men. women are more affected by poverty, sex trafficking, lack of education - and many

It's a hot button issue because it is not indecent to breastfeed, covers are cumbersome for many people and make nursing difficult, discouraging mothers from breast feeding benefits no one in society but corporate makers of formula. Making nursing women's lives harder by asking them to accommodate other people's

I like the analogy.

I was not claiming no connection, I was throwing shade on the dubious assertion that secularism is a benefit to women in every circumstance, which it has not proven to be. Sex-selection and daughter neglect in china and india affects a staggering number of women, but these aren't religious problems. So the expectation

I'm not sure how we can categorically state that secular life is more beneficial for women as a whole. This is not true in China or India, where religion has little do to with the major causes of violence, sexual and otherwise, against women and girls. What I'm trying to get at is that we keep looking for a cause for

I was chastised once for bottle feeding (pumped milk). I usually get approving nods for breastfeeding or people (mostly men) are really eager to make a point of talking to me and acting like there is no baby attached to my boob. It also prevented me from getting a parking ticket once because I couldn't move my

I thought I would be this couple but I just found out that my husband has been cheating on me since I was 5 months pregnant. The baby is 2 months old and now it's over because I caught them fucking. My husband and the woman I considered one of my best friends. Its such a cliche, but The story is so twisted. I think

I was going to say the same thing. Her parents are the problem. If you want girls to be into construction toys, buy it for them and they will be. problem solved. I never missed the pink.

Whenever I cut out processed sugary foods, flour and bread I lose a good amount of weight, but then I start craving pasta and bread and say fuck it all.

I just lost all my pregnancy weight from this baby in less than a month after delivering him thanks to breastfeeding . But I was fat before and I'm still fat, so it's not like I have much to brag about seeing as I'm not in enviable shape. While it would be great to have stronger ab muscles, I just care about having a