
Bindis are worn in India as fashion just as much as they are worn for religious purposes. Look at all the item songs where seductresses gyrate to pop music wearing bindis, many of the white back up dancers also wear them. No one complains but the far right who don't want to see anyone gyrate anywhere.

The question of determining viability should be a medical decision between a doctor and patient without political manipulation. We don't need government controls on viability for situations like this not to occur. We need women to have access to consistent prenatal care and abortion services, so they are not put into

Even in places where there are no laws on abortion (like Canada) and abortion could theoretically take place at any time, doctors will not perform a late term abortion that would result in a viable baby. It's only in cases where there is severe genetic or birth defects, or the life of the mother is in danger that very

I was listening to an interview with director of an abortion clinic in ND and she explained that in order to qualify for admitting priviledged at local hospitals in her state, the doctor would need to admit 10 patients a year. Since they have only ever had to send one patient to a hospital in 10 years, you can see how

My feelings exactly.

I think the side effects of taking Plan B are much much safer than the side of effects of being pregnant, and both involve some degree of lower abdominal cramps.

My husband has lived most of his life in this very building and he had never experienced anything as noisy or loud as the protests. It really got under our skin in a way that couldn't be explained. I would start to feel panic as the night approached. I really started to hate my neighborhood. The night when people

You should hear what people would say to the police during the protests last year. There was a lot of taunting and provoking and generally the police behaved well, but generally is not good enough as there is no excuse for police brutality.

I had them pass by my house repeatedly every night for months. Months and months with a new baby who isn't a great sleeper to begin with. I thought I was going to go crazy. I would cry at the sound of the first pots being slammed together.

Tuition isn't rising. It has been frozen for over 10 years and the proposed increase now is simply to match inflation. So really, you're making empty statements because while the cost of living has gone up, so has minimum wage and tuition has stayed the same.

You are right, it is about all of us and Harper is fucking up this country with his autocratic approach to governing. But Quebec is not a utopia of socialism and we have a strong tradition of ignoring our most vulnerable and paying attention to only those who can scream the loudest citizens.

The PQ made everything worse in my opinion.

Ugh, mildew is the worst. And you just reminded me not to let the clothes sit in the washer overnight, so thank you.

I wish there were programs to help kids like this. Social workers who could teach 7-15 year olds how to wash their clothes at home, heat water for baths, and maintain proper hygiene, or community facilities where there are free machines and showers for needy kids. I don't think taking the kids away is always the best

Actually, there were reports done that showed that the Liberal's plan to raise tuition would not have had a serious impact on discouraging university attendance from poor or marginalized students as the plan had provisions to actually increase bursaries (loans that are not repaid) for poorer students. And I have no

When you talk about where the money is going and then say, "probably a lot of it is going in the pockets of the administrators of the university", it is obvious that you have done no research into this topic. University budgets are public - you can look them up. McGill administrators are accepting a 3% pay decrease

If Quebec separates it will drown in debt and political ineptitude, because aside from separation there is little separatists agree upon. It will not have an economic base to support the demands of its citizens. You will swim across what I assume is the Ottawa river to a new country where there are very few jobs -

My daughter just started day care and when I went for a visit I noticed that the educator wasn't saying anything about her colleague until I thought to ask. Turns out it's her brother, which I think is great because my daughter is very attached to her father and I think it's good for her to be looked after by people

I think this is most likely because women who do not have kids are still encourage to interact with small children and never viewed suspiciously for showing an interest in children, whereas childless men are viewed as potential pedophiles and are given less opportunities to develop caretaking relationships to children

Well, I'm Canadian so I tend to find the entire idea of health insurance being in the hands of insurance companies who hold the interests of their share holders and investors above the consumer strange and wrong. I really don't see why health care should be tied with employment. Many businesses and companies offer