
Wow, I'm so sorry and you are very brave for dealing with this the way you have. This feeds into my "no one is special" mentality I've tried to cultivate as a parent, in that any shitty thing under the sun can happen to anyone, none of us are special and will go through life as invincible. There are so many people who

A company or employer should have no say or opinion on the private health decisions of its employees. Providing health insurance should not negate the right to privacy of their employees.

Everyone i know, myself included, live average lives. They work, study, sometimes they travel, they deal with mental health issues and family problems. They are special to the people who love them and enjoy their company. You don't need to believe you're awesome to be in a relationship, you need to believe that

I did! He didn't end up finishing university but I'm working on my doctorate (though seriously questioning my future). We got married at 22/23 and had our first kid at 27, second one is coming soon at 28/29. I'm not sure I'm better off than anyone else, single or otherwise. I just met the right person at the right

For all the reasons you state, I feel like this needs to be a topic that is not handled in sex-ed, but in an ethics or civics course because it isn't about sex, it's about violence and abuse.

Rape and sexual assault education needs to be part of ethics in high school. Students need to have a proper discussion where the reasons why this kind of thinking is explained as wrong, the notion of "consent" is explained (when someone cannot give consent), learn about why taking naked photos of themselves or others

Those meltdowns can just go on and on, can't they. Ugh, so difficult to handle especially when there is nothing wrong and they are preverbal and can't express how they are feeling. Sometimes the little tap gets them to pause and look at you with their little angry furrowed brow, and in that pause they suddenly forget

This reminds me of a episode of mythbusters where they tested it the theory that getting slapped in the face could actually make a person who was hysterical come to their senses and they did this by setting up a series of tests to evaluate motor reflexes and problem solving, the tester ran through the test and then

Sounds like a reasonable response to the situation as swatting you wasn't a punishment, it was like splashing water on your face to get you to stop. I'm sure later you were punished for acting out like that.

I have a 15 month old, so spanking or smacking or whatever hasn't really come up as a method of discipline in our home. I was hit as a child and while i don't feel traumatized by the experience, I feel that it had less to do with whatever i did wrong then with my father loosing patience and his temper. I don't have a

They were probably right to change it. It is an estimation after all and at my hospital they would probably let me go to 42 weeks if her heart rate was good and my blood pressure and other vitals were good. There is no real reason to push for c-sections unnecessary c-sections where I live, in fact, I think it would be

- no one wants to get home for the weekend. Shifts for weekends and holidays are set in advance. There is less staff on a weekend, including anesthesiologists and pediatricians. Women who are past due or have been recommended to have an induction for whatever reason are not going to be scheduled on a weekend when

I don't understand why if they are "small" they want them out sooner. Let them bake longer, i should think barring the presence of any other risks. Why induce at 38 and not go till 40? Did she explain?


Your doctor is brushing you off because it doesn't matter when you ovulated. The scan will determine the likely age of your fetus and they will make adjustments based on that. I measured 12 instead of 13 weeks and they changed my due date. It also takes time to implant, so you might be as much as two weeks off. If it

You dont actually know the date of implantation, so no. Most doctors revise dates after the first ultrasound. I'm 32 weeks by my lmp and 31 by my ultrasound. Lying does nothing to change what an ultrasound will show. If you dont want to be induced ask your doctor how long they will let you go under what conditions. If

People do not know how to behave in social settings where drinking and hooking up is happening. We don't have a courtship culture with set rules of public behaviour. Anything goes seems to be the attitude. I think this is one of the foundational problems contributing to rape culture. Part of educating people not to

Sadly, I know of two women who are attempting to have them at home and it really upsets me because I don't understand what they think will be gained by taking such a risk. I feel like they've been brainwashed into thinking that giving birth vaginally and naturally is some sort of transcendent experience that all women

The pure and simple truth is that c-sections save lives when they are medically necessary. The threshold for meeting the criteria for medical necessity has been lowered over the years because we are more aware of potential complications and monitoring for those complications has dramatically increased.

My daughter was 7 days overdue and they would have let me take 5 more days before insisting I be induced. My doctor actually scheduled me for an induction the morning she was born, she said to just show up and they would see how things were and cancel the appointment if I wanted to. In the end, she came on her own, 15