
It's because my epidural didn't freeze below my pelvis. The catheter is what makes me wonder if I would have one again and I guess I'll only know for sure once I'm in labor. If it's back labor and vomiting and all that jazz again, I'll suffer the catheter.

You're right that there are disadvantages and risks, but it is generally a safe procedure with few long or short term side effects. There are disadvantages to not getting one as well, which depend on your body's pain response and your labor. I vomit in response to pain and had back labor. I couldn't find a comfortable

Yes, the epidural takes away all the pain and no, there are no proven disadvantages to having one. Usually women opt to have an epidural when they are not progressing very quickly and want a break, or are scared of the pain or experiencing extreme pain (which can be anyone and has nothing to do with your tolerance -

The pushing was the best part because of all the pressure of the head on your cervix, it feels good to push. There is the scary burning part where you think you're going to split in two, but it is no where near as bad as back labor. It's like having a herniated disk and these contractions keep on making it tense up

Anytime your body experiences extreme pain there is a flood of pain relieving hormones. This is not something unique to birth. Plus, some of the hormones released during labor aren't around to make the pain go away, but to intensify the contraction and can make you severely nauseated.

I did have a friend who shared her pregnancy in a funny way, usually with anecdotes about once a week about something silly that happened to her because she's pregnant. My pregnancy was pretty uneventful and I didn't feel like moaning on about whatever minor discomforts I had/have, people can hear all about that in

I never mentioned my pregnancy on fb and thought I would not post pictures of my kid,, but she makes me so happy that I can't help but want to share her pudgy little cheeks. I also sought support from other parents because being a parent is hard and confusing and that support really helped. I didn't and don't feel the

My kid is just so much better looking than me and usually much more presentable, so I pretty much always include her in my photo. She makes me cuter by proxy because she shares half my DNA. I'm essentially just trying to take credit for her. I never use a photo of her alone, because I feel that would be weird, it's my

16 days after my last period is the magical number for me. Strangely enough, both my pregnancies were/are dating a week late, even though I know the date I had sex. I find it a bit extreme to expect a fertilized egg to hang around for 6-8 days before implanting, but whatever. The human body is a strange and

As far as I know, they use it to prevent partially use tickets, or year passes from being scalped. Disney has used this for years and years and I don't think there's anything nefarious going on, but they are pretty effective at preventing people from reselling their tickets or using other people's. This is one reason

I'm not so sure that in a few years time, they wont change their names or learn to hide their identity in some other way. I'm also concerned that the rape-culture in our society means that potential employers could easily overlook these charges as a youthful indiscretion, boys will be boys, she was asking for it,

You lost me when you said:

My kid was tongue tied, but not severely enough for them to intervene right after birth. There are so many degrees of tongue ties and they can't know for sure how it will affect breastfeeding until mom and baby try. Add in the natural learning curve of breastfeeding and other issues like torticollis and a long time

I also discovered that my prenatal vitamins were giving me headaches as well.

I get headaches when I go cold turkey. I need at one in the morning to avoid such a fate.

Thanks! I actually can't drink more than 1 coffee during pregnancy because I seem to never be able to finish the cup and then it gets cold and by that time, I've lost interest. But I don't measure my intake in anything else and I'm far past the first trimester.

Show me a baby that has suffered from the effects of caffeine consumption during pregnancy. Show me or shut the fuck up and let me drink/eat as much caffeine as I damn well please. We have proof of nearly everything else they recommend you stop, like smoking and alcohol, but I've never seen definitive proof of

I had cramps and bleeding for the first three months with my first pregnancy. Sore breasts and fatigue. The cramps were the worst as I kept thinking I was miscarrying, but I wasn't, it was just implantation cramps and bleeding. They also hurt a lot, like doubled over in pain and hard to breath kind of hurt, but then

I went to my last ultra-sound by mostly myself (no one could watch my 1 year old that early in the morning on a weekday). My mom was freaking out and promised to get to the hospital (she works there) early to be there with me, but missed her alarm and got stuck in traffic. She didn't want me to find out something

What do you think I think about racial profiling? Is George Zimmerman the leading example of what neighborhood watch groups are supposed to live up to? A neighborhood watch is a group of citizens who organize to protect their community, not a branch of the KKK. Thanks for playing, try again.