
I wasn't speaking for all of anonymous, but what this group is doing in particular. I think we need whistle blowers and people who will act as observers in society, but I too am weary of some of their other activities that tend towards harassment.

Not everything that comes under the category of vigilantism is bad - like neighbourhood watch groups or whistle blowers. I would say this fits into the latter category. Basically, this group is living up to their responsibility as citizens to report others who have committed a crime or are enabling crime. That the

Jezebel authors should not call out others for typos and misspellings unless they're trying to be ironic. I usually never comment on the mistakes in Jez posts but I could not overlook this. Seriously.

Good on you for being a responsible gun owner. Really, it shouldn't be that hard to use those terms together "responsible" and "gun owner", but sadly it is. If certain classes of guns were restricted to being fired and kept at special shooting range facilities, it seems to me that a lot of recreational gun enthusiasts

I hope that everything goes swimmingly and you have the best combination of outcomes - good experience and healthy mama and baby. I enjoyed my hospital birthing experience and wasn't traumatized by it, so I'm doing it again in the spring. Two under two, I must be nuts!It is true that you forget after a month or two

Well, it keeps us relatively safe - shit still happens. But I think the major difference is that we simply do not have a gun culture in Canada that encourages anyone to own a weapon for "self dense." People who buy weapons aren't being bombarded with messages that they are unsafe and need to protect their loved ones

I don't disrespect that choice and would not vocalize my disagreement to someone I knew who was making that choice because it is their choice and I respect that they have the right to make it, but I don't think its very informed.

I've given birth in a hospital and will give birth again there shortly.

I can understand wanting to feel the pain as part of the "experience", sure, whatever, the pain isn't going to kill you, so go nuts and play your meditation chanting CDs and do your hypnosis techniques. But the experience is really not more important than the outcome and mothers who lament that they didn't have the

You make some excellent points. What is disheartening is how many people buy into the fallacy that medical interventions during pregnancy are never necessary, or only necessary sometimes and more harmful than not intervening, based on little to no evidence. There is also the assumption that the mother's experience of

Tell me about it. I have a 1 year old and I'm 4 months pregnant with my second. I hardly drank this summer because I was breastfeeding and usually too tired to make the effort to pump, plus it just made me extra sleepy. Now that I can't drink again, I so regret those months spent dry. I could totally go for a nice

I swaddled until she got too old (around 3-4 months) during the winter. Now I layer a onesie under a sleeper or use a fleece sleeper. Even if you give them a blanket, and once we unswaddled her swaddling blanket became her regular blanket, which she pets and plays with to fall asleep, they wont necessarily sleep under

My sister had a lot of morning sickness with both pregnancies and ended up on medication, but I had none with my two pregnancies (but I puke in response to pain so labour was real fun!).

Even if some of us, including me, may be (a lot) older, never forget that we've been there too and probably haven't entirely repressed the experience so we can relate, even if it is with the added benefit of hindsight.

I think you're right that the song is celebrating behaviour that is often self-destructive (substance abuse, blacking out, potentially unsafe sex with partners whose sexual history we don't know) and you're right to call her out on it. But like you said, I don't think it's about rape. I really dislike it when other

How do you use up 1 terabyte a month???? That's just crazy talk. I assume you have an unlimited plan down there. If you think about it, when you have kids you wont really have time for the internet, so that makes moving to Canada a little more probable ;p

Of course you can. Just pay attention to your body and keep screening for any STDs even if you're in a monogamous relationship, because those buggers can lead to infertility and other unpleasantness.

To clarify, I didn't have an episiotomy. I pushed fast and tore. I'm going to look into how to avoid it, but aside from perineal massage (which hasn't shown to be that effective in preventing natural tears) there likely isn't anything I can do but maybe go slower with this baby and try to relax more. It's hard to not

To clarify, I didn't have an episiotomy. I tore naturally. It was a second degree tear that they if they did not stitch might have lead to problems with my pelvic floor muscles. My doctor wasn't inept at the delivery and I honestly only even had contact with her for 2 minutes during labour and then for the postpartum

After I gave birth, I questioned whether the resident who stitched me up knew what they were doing. I wish she had not been the one to suture me. I still sometimes bleed from penetration and it has been a year since I gave birth. Oddly enough, I never bled when I lost my virginity. For my next baby, I'm going to