
Well, you guys managed to shift the 1917 bad PR to Spain, so it was worth a try, I suppose?

That’s because they’re not worried. Not really.

That show has as much costume accuracy as it has historical accuracy ... Not much.

Lady Diana Spencer, an innocent country girl without connections? HAHAHAHA!!!

Trump’s blog is no more due to poor readership”

This is a bikini made for yeast infections”

That asshole is alive, so it was obviously NOT Romeo & Juliet.

Honerstly, is there a risk they could have youngs? Because that would be a litter of monsters (no offense to monsters).

No they don’t want it to be legal. You know as well as I do that as soon as the test kit shows that second line, the Mistress/wayward daughter of the influent man will take the first flight out of Gilead to a civilized country for an impromptu vacation/ long weekend and will take care of the problem before it even

Now, now, no need to be rude to ants.

At soon 55 now, I managed to make truce with the world (somewhat) at 50, when I decided to enter the Blessed Kingdom of IDGAF. Nice place if you can get to it (Before you move in the town of Where yer hurtin’... sadly the only town around).

I think you underestimate the capacity some people have to turn just about anything into a catastrophe

From someone from France, that show is VERY American. However, my take on the Napiers is they’re in the home renovation business with a side of TV (and quite good at it), not in History, politics or activism.

Lovely! I’ve never understood why BTVS was considered such a feminist show.

This is probably not going to be a popular opinion, but Mrs Jackson apparent belief that the catholic church or anything affiliated with it was going to be OK outside the most straightlaced, boring sex imaginable... Or even admitting sex exist(for some), strikes me, well, as a bit naive.

Before anyone explains, she’ll have to read the thing (AND the amendments!), and that’s going to be a job and a half...

And also the ones who have a fit of the vapors if there’s a hint of a female nipple anywhere

Sarcasm is notoriously hard to put down in the written form. I’m hoist on my own petard more often than not (well, that an English isnt my first language, so sometimes I miss target completely)

That poor cactus!

Lard: muscle +fat +skin. I have a lot of it, and I don’t see how it is insulting. The silicone is under that, what’s the problem?