pibber can't swim

Don’t people Google weather conditions in the place they’re going to vacation before planning shit? I mean if her wedding was in like January and she was pissed cuz the repairs wouldn’t be done I’d understand. But October is right in the middle of hurricane season. Dummy.

Omg I loved that show. I binged it over the weekend and now I wish there were more seasons.

you know he heard the “rocket man” name on twitter. he’s too fucking stupid to come up with it on his own. and its not even a good nickname.

giselle can eat a bundchen. thank you for your work and i hope you stay sane and safe.

he could do the freshman in high school move, where you google or type into a word file the word you can think of to find synonyms of better words. he has unlimited resources and still sounds like a fucking idiot. he deserves the maximum amount of scorn. fuck him. fuck him fuck him fuck him fuck him

so weird to me that “coherent” has become the baseline for a decent president. obama was a fucking fantastic orator! he was inspiring and smart and beautiful. and i know you don’t mean to say otherwise. it’s just how fall we’ve fallen :(

please tomorrow. i can only avoid my dental appointments for so long

Watching YouTube slime videos

Yes. A state of emergency has been declared and critically ill people are being airlifted out. But it’s still really bad and others have no way to evacuate.

I believe it reads “just do it”

I’m learning so much about peanuts! Your recipes sound absolutely delicious

You’re welcome, good luck!

Yes! I noticed that too. Wells Fargo is fucking up all over the place and once I stop being so complacent I’ll switch banks. Ugh.

I knooooow. I keep thinking about how I should transfer all my money to my credit union, but their online banking system is terrible. I’m a bad adult.

Holy shit I never even thought of the write off aspect. Damn

I think I had some when I visited Savannah but i still can’t get the image of soggy peanuts out of my mind!

Holy shit. That sounds really awful and I’m so sorry he ended things that way. When I feel rejected I like to climb into my shell and avoid everything, but that’s the opposite of what you should do. Definitely grieve and be sad but also try to make plans with a friend for coffee or lunch or a walk/hike. I would resist

I’m sorry you’re going through that :( my now husband and I went through couples therapy when we were engaged. We realized we hit a wall when it came to communication, both of us shut down in different ways and one of the ways he shut down was by deflecting issues onto me (similar to gaslighting but not exactly the

Oh thank goodness! I’m sure that was still really stressful for you. I think your insurance company will reimburse you for the food. That’s what my dad said when he lost power during hurricane Sandy for 10 days. Glad you’re safe!

I’m sick of big businesses asking for my donations. Like when I take money out of the ATM at Wells Fargo and they ask me to donate. Like bitch why don’t you?! Fuck outta here. And I’m usually the “give a dollar type”. I know a dollar isn’t incredibly generous. Still annoyed that a damn bank is asking for my money for