
Nah, dude. You didn’t come off well here. If you pleaded guilty to ignorance of something that truly defined the 90s (it wasn’t just grunge, you know) instead of getting defensive and calling them names without checking them out, and then calling everybody who called you out on your ignorance names, people would’ve

Stop him, that weird baby stole my cellphone!

I think it’s just some slight ribbing.

That’d be amazing. But it’s Disney.

First I read “The Cousins” as “Tina Cousins”, who can be ominous-looking as well.

Quentin Tarantino continues to suck

Iz no YMCAs in mother Russia!

Tell me more about this “woman is not funny, just yelling” concept of yours.
Or rather not.

That’s just the best news ever. This show is absolutely stunning. Probably my favorite new show of the year so far.

I know, right? I spent, like, five seconds working on it.

I think you did pretty well. I’d probably mumble something indecipherable and maybe tried to hug him or something. Maybe not, but I kind of want to.

No, your man-rape jokes are edgy.

A lot of wrong with that face. It’s hard to pick just one thing.

Oh, the paleness... How are you not blind?

I’ve been thinking about what would make Trump’s “base” finally get annoyed with him. Like, what if during some rally he said something insulting to overweight women - and, I guess, specifically about overweight women from his “base”, because everybody’s fine when he talks shit about his opponents, even if it also

Whoever buys them, I beg of you, abolish the god-forsaken hellscape that is Kinja.

He should interview Pence as Bruno. That’d be a hoot.

I did. Sacha Baron Cohen appeared before me. What should I do now?

Plepler and Stankey sound like Mr. Show characters. Bob is Plepler and David is Stankey, naturally.

My thoughts exactly. It’s uncanny.