
I’m telling this to you as a man, fuck off and die.

Feel good, Del!

My work here is done then.

Whoever America is, Sarah Silverman loves her over on Hulu.

It’s a hot tub that is also a DeLorean.


Yeah, that’s a pretty poorly executed joke about America Ferrera. And I’m saying it as a fan of your work.

Damn, this was an amazing read. Ruck is just this incredible storyteller, and the details in which he recalls the stories is amazing. I mean, he probably told them plenty of times, but still. Wow. All the names of those people he worked with once. I read this at time slipping into sad-Cameron’s voice in my mind.

Yeah, having to expose her breast for more than one take for what was (probably) a shitty joke scene couldn’t have been pleasant.

But it’s just sooooo long!

Cramming all those references to other Disney shows into DuckTales reduces the chances of any other of them getting the reboots, which I didn’t know I would like to see, but apparently I do. Still, this was a hell of a reference.

Wow you’re not fun.

Yeah, this point in the review surprised me. I think it was a step-up compared to the way Webby and Mrs Beakley were portrayed as nags and buzzkills in the original show (granted, I haven’t seen it in a while, so I might be misremembering).

I thought the whole second season was so much better than the first one, with writing finally more (but not completely) relaxed and not so mission-statement-y, characters more like real people instead of representations of a specific “type” of a person, and a bunch of episodes really landed their emotional arcs. I

Now playing

It’s also the title of a pretty awesome Russian rock song from early 00's. Listen to the chorus and then try to get it out of your head. I’ve been trying for the last sixteen years or so.

True. You were never that smart.

Better than not trying at all.

Trump doesn’t have an organ. What else is new?

So what he’s saying is, he has dick cancer.

It could very well get worse, you know.