This fucker always makes point of missing the point.
This fucker always makes point of missing the point.
Don’s gay. The staffer was a man. From my reading of the article, I’m assuming by “open” they meant that everyone knew that Don and the staffer were in a relationship, not that the relationship itself was open. That being said, it was worded rather vaguely, so it could go either way.
That being said, if it was an…
“Being falsely imprisoned for rape sure worked out for him!”
Same. I thought the Snoop bit was corny but I can see somebody blurting it out w/o malice intent but the grandmammy thing was worse.
You mean they paid money.... good money gets you a lift that doesn’t spit out tires on the highway. :)
Axle center nut came loose.
Well the spacer is going to offset the wheel from where it normally sits, I don’t see the spacer it self failing since usually they are solid metal but they change the geometry and now there is more weight on a different component then normal, likely a bearing.
Yeah, Twitter’s pretty dumb most of the time.
Saw in another thread that it could’ve been a wheel spacer causing fatigue on the bearing, and that’s where the failure occurred
Could it be when that orange turducken who gave his thoughts on the military, have something to do with this?
Sure, it is wokeness. It certainly is not the military’s frankly dreadful history on human rights and modern colonialism. Or seeing all those ex soldiers with shocking mental health. Or seeing so many ex military members with missing limbs. Nah, it has to be the woke.
This will occur every time you apply the brakes, increasing the amount of braking force without needing to utilize as much hydraulic pressure. In reality, this will improve the longevity of the brake pads and discs, and will have literally zero drag on the car when not wanted. Even in the event that the battery needs…
People always forget the part about how freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence. She’s voicing her opinion plenty, no one is stopping her. If it turns people against her, well, they’re entitled to that just as much.
Regen only operates when braking or coasting...
Nope, not friction, induction. And it is done during braking, hence the term “regenerative braking”
“I think she’s entitled to her opinion, she’s entitled to say what she feels.”
Um, just to be clear, J.K. Rowling has never had her opinion silenced. She’s perfectly free to say whatever thing bops into her 100s-of-million-dollar brain. She has, and continues to do so.
The problem for her, Brian, is that people actually…
Kyle Clark is a damn good local news anchor, just the right amount of snark with geniune delivery and does a daily charity drive for a different cause on his show while matching the first 250 or 500$ in donations every time. Even if it is budgeted in his salary, he does focus on local places in actual need on the…
I mean, that’s good, but it’s no “Business-wise, Carvana is on the struggle-bus”...
Unlike movie trailers, I like to leave the funniest lines for the people who actually watch the video.