
It may be important that he was at Freightliner, not John’s Garage. You can generally only access the legally-mandated OBDII stuff with a cheap scanner. Automakers store TONS of proprietary data, some of which can be accessed with commercial OBD tools. But some is encrypted.

The lawyer’s name is Tyrone. But I call dibs on Tyrpne as my new rap name. The potheads know what I’m talking about.

Well, she didn’t learn anything about herself. She learned something about her seat mate. I find it . . . puzzling that you think this applies.

I have the weirdest feeling that the gun found next to the victim will eventually connect back to Chow & son . . .

. . . Coach Z?

Since they share a platform, there’s a fairly straightforward solution.

It is California. Somewhere Tucker Carlson is reflexively muttering about socialism.

William was asking about “Marin Country”

Now I’m just ranting. But imagine what would happen in just a couple of generations if rich kids grew up side-by-side with struggling families.

In Winnipeg (I don’t know about the rest of Manitoba, or Canada. I’m ‘Murican) they only permit new residential construction for an area conditioned upon building some percentage of affordable units. In the areas built since this policy, it effectively eliminates the whole “You’re good enough to make my coffee, but

It’s all there in the headline. I don’t really care what GM’s CTO says about their new software, but the simple fact that the CFO is talking about it tells me everything I need to know.

Forgot to mention that I’m on team He’d-better-die-in-jail.

What I took away from the prosecuting attorney’s press conference is that in Missouri, the hate crime laws don’t work as an enhancement, but as an alternate charge. So, for example, a prosecutor can choose to charge someone who committed an, otherwise, misnomer assault with felony hate crime if the circumstances


Just so.

Please read “woman” as “man” above. I recognize and apologize for my bias.

Don is gay, and I have cognitive bias. Thank you for your gentle correction!

You might as well stop watching now.

Where are you? I’m in Denver and have no problem pushing through the powdery snow we generally get here. I think that’s pretty different from the “wet cement” snow WayDude is dealing wiht in the Midwest.

I’m honestly shocked that folks on this site don’t know how mechanics get paid. See my response to JustAnotherOtherBurner above.