
It’s nice that the GOP has stopped lying about “giving a rat’s patootie” about family values, fiscal conservatism, and states rights. No more pretense of having an actual platform or values. Just straight to enforcing their will on others and calling it “freedom”.

I’m a captialist. But I’m a human being first.

To be fair, it’s only 99.9% of officers who give the remaining 0.1% a bad name!

One can only assume that it’s their juvenile way of coping with the feelings they experience when exposed to queerness.

Ever notice how some people get super judgemental of what you eat when _they_ are dieting? Same deal. If I’m not going to let myself have it, I’m going to try to make you feel bad for indulging.

The Komfort Blinker. Upgrades older VWs to blink three times when you tap the turn signal stalk. For like 60 bucks. And it involves de-pinning and re-pinning a new harness into the factory connector. You know, after you remove the glove box. It’s so stupid.

Here’s A Pod-Like Camper That _Triples_ In Size In Just 60 Seconds

You’re right. And I hope it brings you great comfort when you’re under someone’s car.

I can’t be the only one who went, “No, no, NO!” when he pushed the bike over to polish(!) the brake pedal. Right? RIGHT?

I live in Denver. I don’t cycle anymore. I was in favor of the 3-foot law when it passed. So I’m fairly pro-cyclist, I guess. (One thing I will never understand is cyclist feeling they have the right of way passing cars on the right, even if the car has the right signal on. Go around on the left like you have a brain!)

I’m not quite as annoyed as you are. But you’ll be livid to learn that all of the information in the video is TEXT over random red carpet videos of Schumer doing her coquettish face.

Nothing in the article seems to address the reason that I pre-rinse. I find it easier/less frustrating to pre-rinse than to chip off the shit that the dry cycle inevitably bakes onto my dishes if I don’t.

How has Wesley Snipes not come up in this discussion?!

Maybe. But then you have to pull the cabin air filter, close it up, lysol, then open it back up to reinstall the filter. Or the lysol is just going to soak the filter.

I don’t drive a truck. I am not at all a truck guy, or a guy that’s much like a truck guy. Look, I’ll be honest, I don’t like truck guys.

Ha! Maybe I should start recommending them to everyone as a public service!

Ozone generators are better for smells in the carpet and upholstery. They’re also a danger to people with zero common sense, so I hesitate to recommend them.

If replacing your cabin air filter doesn’t make your HVAC blow fresh, you can pull that filter back out, crank up the AC, open all of the vents, and fog Lysol in there for like 3-5 solid minutes. Sounds crazy, but it will get rid of all of the little funk beasties that have made their home in there. (Don’t forget to

MKIV? That harness routing tray looks familiar.

Fascinating. My previous daily was a 2016 WRX. It was a real beauty to drive. When it worked. But it was a piece of trash. Among the things that went wrong was when a rod bearing went to pieces. At like 25k miles. Just merging onto the highway DURING RUSH HOUR. (I.e. I wasn’t thrashing it.)