Interestingly, this is the “gun control” argument with the parties reversed.
Interestingly, this is the “gun control” argument with the parties reversed.
Exactly so. It seems as if assaulting his daughter would be like keying his car. He would be mad, but not on behalf of the daughter/car, but rather at the perceived disrespect to him.
He’ll just get the Parks Service to crop the dick pic a little bit and then claim it’s bigger than Obama’s.
Interesting idea. This seems similar to the idea that all Muslims are responsible for the tiny minority of Muslims who engage in terrorist acts. Do you subscribe to this idea as well?
Absolutely sincere question. What would it take for you to lose respect for law enforcement?
I agree with the overall thought that we reflexively over-cook pork due to outdated food safety concerns.
I hate these tease headlines. I read the whole article, and I still don’t know if the cops gave him a ride home or not!
I’m sure East Fork is great and great people and, whatever. Great.
I’m sure East Fork is great and great people and, whatever. Great.
I watched Predator yesterday. I had forgotten (or never understood, hadn’t seen it since I was a kid) that Carl Weathers’ character was a fuck-up.
I’m here for the See ‘n Say/Speak & Spell beef.
You might be onto something.
Wikipedia says it’s the biggest US base in Korea now! It was barely more than an airfield in the early ‘90s. I mean, it had a Burger King. They were still housing people in Quonset huts when I was there!
No shit?! Me too! Long before you, apparently. Cell phones existed then, but soldiers couldn’t afford them and they didn’t have any recording capability. (c. 1995)
Every GOP policy and position seems to be a variation on, “I got mine, but I’ll be damned if I let you get yours.”
Look, anyone can put anything they want on their dog. Go crazy ketchup freaks.
Yeah, there might be some fancy European ones you can order, but hours of searching auto parts stores and the internet netted zero buyable yellow fog lights for me.
Thanks for this reply. I don’t really disagree. So let’s say 95% of the problem ;-)
This is a problem white people built, and it’s a problem they need to fix.
When I’m going on longer trips I will often bring a second cooler just of bags of ice. I put a few pounds of dry ice on top, and that (water) ice will stay hard-frozen for several days. This is good for drinks as well as for “recharging” the food cooler when the initial load of ice (or frozen bottled water) melts.