
Nah. The mass of (the aforementioned) fuckwits will be their own mutual and just punishment. I’ll see you at the bar.

there’s no reason for anyone to clog the progress of the line by standing in everyone’s way as they re-lace their Doc Martens.

They sure do if the parcel is delivered by the USPS.

Feel free to reach out to your local U.S. Postal Inspector to let them know that person doesn’t live there anymore.

I see curry ketchup in the comments, and I see mayo, but I don’t see the genius that is curry mayo.

“The only difference is, in Star Wars, they get away.”

“Confederate Case Law: The Rule of Law, Not of Men,”

Relatedly, you probably noticed that candy at the theater comes in a box. Inside the box, it’s bagged for freshness.

Just guessing, but I imagine it is because they were modeled on horse-drawn carriages, where the driver needs to be outside with the horses in order to control it, and the passengers are inside . . . to not be outside with the horses.


Syrup truther in record time.

Winter is a season, and the tires say “ALL season” right on them. What’s your problem?!

You guys are reading this ALL WRONG.

What hotdog?

Your move.

I think it’s smoke flavor. Or maybe poison. Tastes more like poison than smoke, anyway.

And that’s certainly not tied up with anti-Arab bias in any way. :-/

One is smaller and monochrome, so by this court’s logic, it’s the big.

You say there’s nothing wrong with that, and yet . . .

Do I understand correctly that this “ABC” process consists of the following steps?