
Isn’t it self-defeating to try to keep these guys in the dating pool? Why not let them have what they want, and get them out of both the dating and gene pools. Everyone is better off.

It’s not “ironic”, it’s hypocritical.

Veteran here. I take a very dim view of a draft, and respect COs.

Speaking of religion, I see that this is a religious matter for you and that I have wasted my time.

There were no Ewoks in Star Wars. You’re thinking of Return of the Jedi.

That’s right! I cross country skied past a polar bear on my way to work this morning.

Lactose-free milk is a good substitute. But it’s rather overpriced. If you get some lactase powder and mix it into your milk you’ll have lactose-free milk overnight.

My Winnipegian wife, who is from an anglophone family and went to French public schools, might disagree.

Now playing

Counterpoint: Forgot About Dre is the perfect alarm.

I can personally attest that AWD with performance tires is no better than any other combination. Said differently, the number of drive wheels is immaterial when you’re traveling sideways.

Weird, there was a Dana Rohrabacher in Congress in 1994 who thought that special prosecutors were great.

According to CNBC, Mueller is alleging that the investigation has strayed beyond the initial scope and that the order appointing Mueller as the special investigator exceeded the deputy attorney general’s authority.

That USB port draws a little power even when nothing is plugged in.

This is the cultural equivalent of Louis CK asking his subordinates to look at his dick at work. A sort of reverse-voyeurism power-play.

Unless you’re an astronaut, you’ve lived your entire life with every part of your body in a ~0.5 Gauss magnetic field. Magnetic fields are non-ionizing and are perfectly harmless to human health.

Clay learned from that day on never to use a breaker bar to tighten a bolt, because it doesn’t take much force to break something when you’re yanking on a two-foot pipe.

If she didn’t want to go to jail she really should have been richer.

It seems like a police department that takes a “What are you gonna do?” attitude toward a COP mocking someone for protesting POLICE VIOLENCE is something other than a heroic defense of the first amendment.