Maybe that extra minute is where it stops accelerating and the seats turn around before it begins decelerating.
Maybe that extra minute is where it stops accelerating and the seats turn around before it begins decelerating.
Doesn't every power plant generate more than it consumes?
Where did they get that ridiculous concord ticket price?
Yeah, remembering the hits and forgetting the misses makes for nice memories, doesn't it?
Yes, imagination is fun to play with, isn't it?
Once it stops you can get a better idea of the size of it. It's not as bad as it looks, and the area where the guy was walking wasn't hit.
I don't think I agree with the example exception you provided. Is it so bad to just be honest with them and admit you're too tired/drunk/whatever to finish?
Where's the dislike button? For the article and author of course, not the jurors being allowed to get out of the hotel and spend their own money occasionally.
I wonder how that 30000 compares to the car insurance payouts over the same two years due to deer?
Wider, not larger.
C) They just don't give a fuck.
An officer isn't going to risk getting kicked in the face by a deer. Putting it out of it's misery was probably the best thing to do. And there really is no such thing as overkill, only underkill, which would be cruel.
As another West, I am very grateful that my parents didn't name me something stupid like North.
Not just the pilots lives, who do you think they'll land on if they crash?
I wonder what the MPG is during that 12.7s.
I suspect it needs to be away from the body slightly to give it a better field of view.
Astrology? Really?
He does not have a style blog, his parents do and they're using him as a manequin. How could he have a blog when he can't even write yet?
Ok, here's proof right now. In the bible, there are accounts of various events that involve said greater being. In the official historical timeline, there are accounts of these same events happening. Therefore, the events detailed in the bible supporting a god are upheld by the events from the historical timeline.…