Tell me you don’t understand how math works without telling me you don’t understand how math works.
And clearly nothing to do with supply chain disruptions due to incompetent leadership.
Yes, it certainly is. You think all of those off brands that supermarkets sell have separate manufacturing plants making those products?
Opponents of things like this that help everyone have no argument so they have to invent poor people for it to affect
Yup, cowardice and paranoia are very much part of the equation.
William Randall Franklin reportedly opened fire on the two men coming onto his property for help. Both Cauthen and the driver, who has not been named, were also armed and returned fire. All three men were hit by gunfire at some point, leaving Cauthen dead and sending both Franklin and the driver to the hospital for…
I would totally shop at the “Boobs and Whatnot” store
This. The lack of 30 year old used cars for sale is not the reason used cars cost more than they did 20 years ago. In the interim we’ve had massive inflation, a pandemic, a global recession... Other things to blame.
also known as engagement farming...dull accurate statements do not get clicks
(shrug) I trust a 101 year old to run the streets better than I trust a 78 year old to run the country...
Funny auto wipers and lights are probably my favorite things about my car. I’m also neurotic with the wipers though. Constantly adjusting to avoid the squeak. Also I drive in a rural area a lot, it’s nice not to blind people with my highbeams. and I can’t forget to turn them off now.
It DOES actually solve the problem of congestion. And it is NOT a regressive tax. The poorest of the poor don’t have cars and aren’t driving into Manhattan. They are taking public transit.
I am a sucker for nostalgia but these antennas sucked.
If I’m in the jury I wouldn’t believe that jumping out the window bit.
I was going to try giving a rational rebuttal to your comment, but that second sentence alone is so fucking stupid that you’re either a troll or an idiot, and either way a rational response likely wouldn’t result in a terribly productive discussion.
Don’t know where you’re living but there are over 275K Mavericks out there. Seeing a large percentage being used for businesses.
Just rewatched this one yesterday: