Artificial Stupidity

You can get a better one for the same or less money. This one sold last year with fewer miles, no wash title issues, and no mods for the same money. Plus it’s the more desirable 3.2L/6-speed car.

So, you’re one of the ten sitting at the table who doesn’t object when a nazi sits down with them.

I hate to break it to you, but if you wear a New York Yankees hat people think you’re a Yankees fan. If you drive a Nazimobile, guess what they think

If you don’t mind using your money to support nazis, then you should not concern yourself with it.

Enjoy your Swasticar.

I mean....less educated people DO have more kids. That is reality. Art imitates life. 

I’ve played power wash simulator enough times to know how easy this is.

There are two expressions in the Dutch language that seem to fit exceptionally well:

Rental cars get a lot of minor damage. I rented a car in the Middle East where the company didn’t try to keep the cars looking perfect and it had about a hundred places on the front and rear bumper covers that were missing paint when I picked it up.

Exactly. I think the fee was only ~$10 more than the supercharger would have cost in my case. Returning charged only makes sense if you can destination charge at the hotel/Airbnb.

I’ve found it sometimes makes sense to just return it with a low SOC. For example, last time I rented from Avis the charge fee was only nominally more than what I would have spent charging it at a supercharger. Better not to have to spend 30 minutes charging and let them deal with it. 

“DEI Soros woke Nazi communist abortionist gay agenda slut porn”

“Don’t be evil” -- Google, circa 2001

The Splatoon future!

In fact, I seem to remember a certain Mr. Donald J. Trump once saying, “He’s a nasty guy. Nobody likes him. Nobody in Congress likes him. Nobody likes him anywhere once they get to know him.”

So weird because in most other cultures, they’re just called fried potatoes. I don’t like this multiverse.

So basically, we’re prone to stupid shit that makes the rest of the world roll their eyes. 

Ford “doesn’t know” how many Transit Trails it has sold? I “don’t know” if I believe them.

Anyone remember how we were going to rename french fries “freedom fries” because the French opposed the invasion of Iraq?