Artificial Stupidity

Geeze, I dodged a bullet here.  Going to Seattle this weekend, but found it was a whole lot cheaper to fly to Portland and drive north.  My info could have been in that data.

recent investigations have shown that there is a direct link between negative comments from drivers and team members and increased hate directed towards officials on social media”

Fascinating history lesson, thank you.

Which would explain why the inspection and maintenance teams caught the problem?

I say no emissions regulations for vehicles”

Creepy. I’ll be taking that same route at nearly the same time in a couple days. Hope it’s not the same plane.

“starting to turn on Tesla”

Kia would like a word.

Did you know the book Dune was inspired by the dunes of Oregon?”

Want to see why the Ford Pinto got such a bad reputation?”

I remember the Pinto. I also remember that the danger of it was overblown by some in the media because it wasn’t as deadly as anecdotal evidence suggests, especially when compared to the empirical evidence.

Drumpf, as incoherent as the drunk at the end of the bar, and happens to be ranting about the exact same topics as the drunk at the end of the bar.

Just what we need, another oversized, overpriced, overengineered truck.

The worlds most valuable toilet.

The 2024 Fisker Ocean started at $41k, and topped out at less than $64k. That’s a middle class car price, not something the rich would even consider.

Sure, you guys foot the bill.”

The pic at the top is spot on.  Really shows that he’s got a half dead hamster instead of a brain.

People that drive distracted with driver assistance systems are the same people that drove distracted before driver assistance systems. People eating in the car? That’s never happened before! Talking or texting while driving? Certainly a new phenomenon that can only be blamed on new car technology.

If I did my job even half as bad as Dion Corbin does his, I’d have been fired long ago.  He’s an incompetent twit that’s going to end up costing the city millions, but it won’t affect him, the people he terrorizes with his stupidity will end up paying for it.

Even cutting the price in half it’s still ND.