Artificial Stupidity

Tried watching the video however the commercial ads every 30 seconds made me give up a quarter of the way through.

THIS is why I come to Jalopnik. The comments section sells itself. Keep up the great work!

In the spirit of him being a greedy disappointment masquerading as a folksy hero, I nominate Bayou Billy as the official JD Vance game.

Stellantis obviously prefers the pronouns she/it.

Corporations are people too*.

Besides, if you win the car the taxes are gonna hurt.

He could save it to pay the Additional Dealer Markup if he ever buys a car there. 

John Oliver’s philippics are the same for me....

Thank God she was only halfway there.

Anyone who claims “Irish” and isn’t political is a fecking liar.

Bon Jovi: American treasure

It’s possible she was in this state of mind due to some bad medicine, but Jon told her he’d be there for her, asked her to lay her hand on him, and he helped her over the edge by keeping her in these arms.  Keep the faith, he instructed.

Skeevy, skeevy weirdo, and getting weirder and skeevier by the day. 

Didn’t see The General... Is that even still a thing? Funnily enough, the only reason I thought of them was I watched an episode of Family Guy a few days ago where they included a cartoon version of the General tv commercial where the guy is driving in a Vette convertible with a penguin... And they parodied TG’s theme

Those are hooves, not nails.

I seldom laugh out loud at a comment. Congratulations.

A lot of these vehicles are overpriced for what you get, the Hornet is a neat little car but the MSRP is at least $5K too high to start off and rapidly goes off the rails, the PHEV is just insanely priced for what you get.

And I bet that if he could, he would and they would buy it faster than they jump to defend him.

The slide show is absolutely terrible, but the answer has to be Musk.