Artificial Stupidity

Here’s a not-burned version for those interested.

Fun little story about this car: Back in 1984 we were on a family vacation to Hawaii. We were staying in the Hilton Hawaiian Village on Oahu; we had a balcony suite about 10 floors up overlooking the pool. On our second day there we woke up to see a roughly 10 foot by 18 foot windowless tiki hut floating  in the

Hush now, don’t you cry,
Wipe away the teardrop from your eye,
You’re lying safe in bed,
It was all a bad dream spinning in your head.

Counterpoint: Your comparison doesn’t work. Having unkempt grass  hurts no one but power-tripping, busybody Karens. Trucks belching exhaust directly into the faces of pedestrians is pretty unhealthy. There were even known intersections (possibly still are) where city buses tended to idle, and studies showed the people

The only good thing I can say about this is that it makes yesterday’s Tracker seem like a good deal in comparison.

The only fix that I can think of is via property tax. I get a homestead exemption on my taxes since it is my primary residence. Communities need to adjust the homestead exemption so that it makes either short or long-term rentals less profitable, so that houses will move back into primary residences.

Agreed 100%.  We have No Fly Lists, we should be using them a LOT more.  All those videos of passengers going nuts?  They should never see the inside of a plane again.

I struggled to think of any auto insurance not on this list.

Well, you can still stop in for a Mariners game. 

Bill him $40k for the ‘environmental damage’ of dumping tons of jet fuel into the atmosphere.

Regardless of whether or not he is lying

mythical robotaxi that is supposed to be coming in about a month.

Yep, that was all the evidence I needed to confirm that the OP is just a really shitty driver. When bringing your car to a halt involves a “jolt”, you’re doing it wrong.

I don’t hear that. I hear “man”.

The whole selling point of autonomous cars is that one day, hypothetically, they’ll be safer than humans because they won’t get tired or lazy or lax with the rules.  “No u-turn” signs might seem arbitrary sometimes, but there’s usually a reason they’re there.  Teslas ignoring those signs and then having to back into

When I took a traffic engineering class, I learned that autonomous driving would be better because it eliminates the human element: bad decision-making, bad habits.

Four bands for a set of wheels, another six for the tires.

It should. Automated vehicles should be following the rules of the road, not the bad habits drivers form throughout their lives as shit drivers.

Yes? 100% it does.

3rd Gear: What will happen is what always happens. Info leaks, Leon says it isn’t true, we discover 2 weeks later it is true.