Artificial Stupidity

Hah-hah.  Great reference.

Spared no expense.

Yeah I’ve been seeing random stories online for “experts” throwing up red flags that a recession is imminent for the last year or so. 

I guess reverse is broken.

The hardline stance produces results, with cases dropping by 80 percent since 2021.

I always found it a little funny that vapers just expect that they can vape anywhere they want.  Like I can’t talk since I smoke, but I tried vaping for a while and even then I still never wanted/tried to do it somewhere you couldn’t smoke.

Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

You need better friends.

Whenever you see some car manufacturer touting hydrogen powered cars, just replace the “hydrogen” with “coal”. That’s the ultimate goal for energy corporations, to have a ready fossil fuel alternative when oil and gasoline becomes increasingly scarce and expensive. Coal can be gasified and turned into hydrogen fuel,

Waiting three years makes me think there’s something more to this story than either party is admitting.

I would be surprised if he’s ever had a driver’s license. I doubt he’s ever actually been behind the wheel of anything more than a showroom exhibit car.

Boxes of rocks of all sizes and geological composition beg to differ.

Certainly looks like transportation to me.

So to recap, you have to hold this button, watch the car as it moves and look at the tiny camera feeds for the slightest sign of trouble, and with all of that the car is likely going at a brisk walking pace at best.

Smart summon was promised back in 2017 or something  along with a motorised snake charger. 

Most people on the planet do not own their own vehicle.  The class warfare ship sailed long ago.

Is this, or is this not, transportation?

Ok everyone, in chorus:

yeah eat the rich

For people who could afford this, money is just numbers on a screen or piece of paper, and convenience wouldn’t be their goal in owning this.