Artificial Stupidity

My car being dirty is a sign that I drive it a couple days a week and let it sit in the driveway most of the time. Am I doing it right?

It was, before they destroyed it for the show.

Good call.

The “Paypal Mafia” link to the Guardian story is definitely worth the read. It’s no wonder Leon is a Nazi shit ass now, he’s always been one.

No, that means you’re a fun uncle, a Funcle, and we are the best kinds of uncles.

I firmly believe that Super Bowl Ads are just a contest between directors to see who can do more cocaine.

How else can they get an injunction aside from filing a lawsuit?

I wonder how much cocaine the monkey in charge of pricing at Tesla uses each hour.

Yes, they can file lawsuits, which they’re already doing.

It’s not quite that bad at the lower level. Of 179 federal judges, 88 were appointed by a Republican, 88 by a Democrat, with 3 vacancies.

No, and the entire ordeal likely led to her losing re-election last year.

You continue to prove that you not only got beat with a Stupid Stick for most of your life, you also got beat with an entire forest of Stupid Sticks.

A skeleton?  You fucking sick bastard, fucking a dead body.  Necrophilia is a crime, fuckstick.

Use the doll to show us where the EV touched you inappropriately.

Oh, phew, I was afraid you were going to provide some examples. Sure glad you didn’t.

Trump can cheat at golf and Musk can cheat at video games because they’re directly involved in those things. Elections are not administered at a federal level, there’s nothing for them to cheat. They may have sycophants at the state and county level willing to cheat, but only in states that vote Republican anyway.

You sound like every Trumpster for the last ten years.

They’ll suffer, but it’ll be subtle signs, like having to skip getting a new pair of truck nuts this year, or only being able to afford a 24 pack of Natural Light instead of a 30 pack of Coors, or the wife not being able to afford the good makeup that really hides the bruises.

Both Houses of Congress are controlled by Republicans, and you know they’re not going to stop Drumpf. What exactly are the Democrats supposed to do from the minority seats? They can file lawsuits, but Republicans also control the SCOTUS, so there’s no guarantee that logic or rational thought are going to win there,

They’ll gladly suffer just to pwn the libs.