Artificial Stupidity

Like a drunk, childless uncle that knows exactly how everyone else should raise their kids.

People doubted we’d ever land on the moon so hard they still don’t believe it happened.

I remember when the shuttle Columbia exploded, and NASA asked for volunteers to comb the area looking for pieces.  But since Leon makes disposable garbage machines no one gives a shit about recovering the debris.

Since he’s not dead, then, yeah, this is a good stop.  Unless you’re just a callous asshole that doesn’t care if people with problems are prevented from killing themselves.

The hero we need, but don’t deserve.

Willful ignorance combined with cognitive dissonance makes it difficult for Nazi shit ass sympathizers.

I drove an ‘87 Samurai throughout high school, one of my all time favorite vehicles.

The elusive Good Guy With A Gun That Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun, in its natural habitat, has rarely been spotted, but always talked about as if they’re not one of the rarest breeds of human.

Unlike half of America, most Germans can easily recognize a Nazi shit ass.

Most of them were built in the 80's.  They made 21,751 Reatta’s, only 1519 were made for the ‘91 model year, available for sale in ‘90, meaning most of them were likely built in ‘89.

Sounds like a perfect metaphor for the next few years.

The source article says Golden State, not sure why that got changed to Florida.

But he pwning the libs, so it’s all worth it in the end.

Just about any car that’s clean and runs is a NP at that price.

Musk was quoted saying, “Who cares about brown babies?” while he completed half a dozen Nazi salutes.

Me wantee!

How will it compare to a washer spin cycle?

Even if you have roadside assistance it may take them hours to reach you, so it’s best to have some emergency resources in your car if you’re traveling anywhere off the beaten path.”

One of the smallest category of car is too big?  Huh?  They’re smaller than most crossovers, they’re smaller than SUVs, they’re smaller than every truck.  How are sedans too big?