Artificial Stupidity

And the easiest pass.

No tinfoil hat needed.  OPEC+ said they would not change their production levels, so Drumpf changed his mind about the tariffs.

So sad.

Thankfully our government is worried about immigrants and trans people, so we can lose our shit to China in yet another technology race.

Absolutely everything you said is wrong.

Like I said, it’s worth doing once.  It is a truly unique experience that can’t be replicated anywhere else.

On a slightly unrelated note, the Trans Am Type K was a glorious concept I wish I could drive right now.

Got down sat on a bench father mocking bun of a sitch!

Phew.  My faith in humanity has been restored.

Is the poop deck really what I think it is?

Yes, someone already tried suing the FAA, it was dismissed, and attempts to revive it have gone nowhere.

Sustainable transport is inevitable, despite Musk, not because of him.


There are thousands of flu/influenza strains. Traveling to a different part of the world increases the chance you’ll discover a new strain your body has never encountered before, which reduces the antibodies that can be created to fight the strain, worsening the effects of the flu/influenza.

First one was Carnival on the Elation, San Diego - Catalina - Ensenada. Second one was Royal Caribbean on the Navigator of the Seas, Los Angeles - Ensenada. I liked the RC ship more, had way more activities on board, but Carnival has since switched the ship that makes that route to a much bigger ship, saw it and it

Picard season 3 is one of the greatest seasons of any TV show ever.

I was pleasantly surprised that despite there being a couple thousand passengers and crew on the ship it never really felt crowded, especially after learning to not going to eat during prime dining times. The ships are designed to hide the crowds. We had done Disneyland for a couple days before the cruise with my GF

It’s worth doing at least once. I’ve been on two, and the problems were minimal. First one was back when Swine Flu broke out and Obama banned travel to Mexico, so we couldn’t get off the ship and spent a day at sea. Second one was a couple years ago, took the GF and her kids since they’d never been on one, oldest kid