Artificial Stupidity

A horrible accident related to ONE Haitian immigrant, you brainless twat.

Though a separate brand, The General was bought by American Family in 2012.

I don’t have a drunk uncle that hits on his nieces, but if I did, he’d be less creepier and less skeevier than Leon Musk.

At Stellantis, we have no fucking clue what you want to buy, and frankly, we don’t fucking care, either. We’ll keep making cars hardly anyone wants to buy, and there’s no amount of logic or reason that will tell us otherwise.  Fuck you, America.

<crying>  LEAVE ELON ALONE!  LEAVE HIM ALONE!  <sobbing>

His creepiness has become so thick he could slice off pieces and sell them to his sycophantic followers.

Good he took the cash, definitely better to avoid having any future dealings with that dealership.

Green Day/Smashing Pumpkins.

The call is coming from within the house!

Illegal buses are getting sex changes in prison while they’re in doggy daycare school!

Yep, a crash happened at a track, and just like every other crash at every other track the driver is responsible. TA-DA! I knew you’d get here eventually.

Same, but 48 year old me would just shrug and change the channel.

That’s a pretty surprising take from you. You want to ban As Is car sales because they fuck over people, but air pollution is a-ok, despite the exponentially higher number of pollution caused problems compared to broken car problems?

The color is fine.  The car is not.

“a reddish-brown color associated particularly with monochrome photographs of the 19th and early 20th centuries.”

Right, it’s the fault of the car it ended up on its roof. The driver was an innocent victim!

Sounds like the plot of a boring movie about a stripper that doesn’t know how to strip.

But we’re talking about auto insurance.  State Farm continues to exist, but not in the auto insurance industry, which this article is about.  Derp.

Yep, the more properties an entity owns (overall, not just being able to have sub-entities “owning”) the more property tax is, until it becomes impossible to rent them out because the tax is so high.

State Farm was bought by Liberty Mutual, which is on the list.